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Comments 23

sasha_davidovna August 20 2013, 17:14:59 UTC
Pinterest is fun as long as you avoid the popular page. I've found tons of good recipes there. There's getting to be a decent fannish presence, too, though mostly for stuff like gifs that you can find just as easily on Tumblr. A few weeks back I stumbled across this person, who has more than 14,000 pins of shippy fanart. That was a fun browse.


musesfool August 20 2013, 17:25:20 UTC
Good to know. I thought their TOS prevented fannish-type stuff, though.


sasha_davidovna August 20 2013, 18:29:17 UTC
It prohibits content that is "sexually explicit or pornographic," so I avoid posting anything X-rated, just in case, but I'm not sure how rigid they are about enforcing it. They originally banned nudity, but got rid of that policy awhile back:

Here's the current policy: http://about.pinterest.com/use/

Article about the nudity policy change: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/30/pinterest-nudity_n_3361917.html


musesfool August 20 2013, 19:12:09 UTC
Interesting. Thanks for the links! I think I would probably keep my fannish stuff on tumblr, where there I already have ties.


snickfic August 20 2013, 17:29:50 UTC
Well, you said the one thing, but then QR told me you were avoiding all summaries with dirigibles. So, uh, maybe you two should talk about that.

(Just kidding. :D)


snickfic August 20 2013, 17:33:15 UTC
Uh, wow. That comment was supposed to go in a completely different journal, and I'm on mobile right now and can't delete. /o\ This is not the way I meant to introduce myself to you; I had this window open to comment on the Ultimates ending. Oh, well.

*creeps away*


musesfool August 20 2013, 17:43:51 UTC
Heh. I wondered if that was a mistake. No worries. Feel free to comment about the Ultimates ending!


snickfic August 20 2013, 17:56:43 UTC
Oh, well, I have just recently been getting into Marvel (and looking for comics-minded people, which is why I friended you - Hi!), but I'd been holding off on the Ultimates because I figured one massive continuity was enough to figure out at a time. I guess these cancellation save me worrying about exploring the Ultimates anytime soon (unless... they're continuing, but with new titles? the Bleeding Cool article wasn't clear to me). And I'm pleased about Miles Morales coming over to the main continuity, because I'd been hearing good things about him, and if he turns up in Mighty Avengers then that's twice as pleasing, since I was excited about that title anyway.

So, yay! :)


inksheddings August 20 2013, 18:34:38 UTC
did my eyes deceive me or did Jennifer come back in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT OUTFIT

Yes, and it gave me Hellraiser flashbacks.


musesfool August 20 2013, 19:11:11 UTC
I just want to know how she had time for that! Or why she was hiding it under an illusion if it wasn't a quick change! I mean, WTF?


inksheddings August 20 2013, 19:41:16 UTC
I think it was probably an illusion, but it was dumb and unnecessary. I don't know if it was supposed to make her look scarier, but . . . it didn't.

I really wish they hadn't killed her. I was actually getting to LIKE her as a villain. I mean, she had a sympathetic backstory but was still cruel and evil enough to make me cringe. I thought the actress did a good job!

But, no. Deucalion and his not-so-scary-after-all werewolf "demon" act got to walk off into the sunrise. He even got free health care out of it! Blech.


musesfool August 21 2013, 17:59:33 UTC
Yeah, I liked Jennifer and I'm sad to see her go, especially when Deucalion got to walk away, and Gerard and Peter are still alive, and the twins are part of Scott's pack! I guess we're just supposed to forget that they killed Boyd? Ugh, the whole thing is rage inducing.


redfiona99 August 20 2013, 22:26:02 UTC
Now, if only they could fix some of the art on the other X-titles, I might start buying again.


musesfool August 21 2013, 17:32:39 UTC
I've liked the art on X-Men so far. That's the only X-title I'm reading though.


alizarin_nyc August 20 2013, 23:26:43 UTC
that opening scene is gorgeous, and I also really like the use of that driving, heroic music in these and some of the later scenes, despite it being totally anvilicious. It just worked for me for some reason.

Yep, all that really worked for me and whoever did the production on this ep really did a good job with visuals, editing and sound. The audio hook that came back with the tree was obvious but really worked.

I don't see either why Kali and Jennifer had to die. And Deucalion got to live. Or why Lydia was in that hideous blue thing for two eps. QUESTIONS I HAVE THEM.


musesfool August 21 2013, 17:58:18 UTC
The audio hook that came back with the tree was obvious but really worked.

*nod nod*

It was just really stirring.

I don't see either why Kali and Jennifer had to die. And Deucalion got to live

Right? Jennifer should have gotten to at least kill Deucalion, since he was the root of her troubles. And he wasn't a compelling villain so I can't imagine they'll bring him back.

Or why Lydia was in that hideous blue thing for two eps

SERIOUSLY. The wardrobe people usually do really well by Lydia and Allison, but that dress was godawful and nothing Lydia would ever actually wear.


alizarin_nyc August 21 2013, 18:43:21 UTC
ALSO... wasn't Jennifer a great way to keep the angst piling on Derek? You'd think that would count for something in this show! Derek makes bad choices in love, film at eleven.


musesfool August 22 2013, 17:19:38 UTC
Bwah! I wouldn't have minded having her around an Angel-in-s3 for Buffy kind of way, where Scott et al. are all like, "SHE TRIED TO KILL US" and Derek's like, "I know, but she's trying to be better!"

I'm really tired of Derek's manpain, though, so I might be the wrong person to ask.


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