we're caught in a trap and i can't walk out

Aug 20, 2013 12:12

Things: A list by victoria p.:

- I got a full night's sleep last night and I feel human again. Whew.

- apparently my sister is on Pinterest now despite her initial resistance ("I hate having other people see my stuff!" - the misanthropy runs in the family, though it seems to have skipped my brother). I might have to finally break down and get an account there, though the interface completely baffles me, and she is all crafts and I'd be all food.

- That Ao3 stats meme made me look, and I have posted 1,311,356 words of fanfic to AO3. that is ONE POINT THREE MILLION WORDS for those of you who are, like me, numerically challenged. I think that works out to about 100,000 a year since I started posting fic in September 2000, except wait! None of my XMM stuff is on there and I wrote ~100 stories there (which doesn't even include the 40K words of an abandoned wip), and at least 1/3 of my HP stuff is missing, so the word count would be even higher. I don't even know what to say about that. I miss being that productive.

- Speaking of writing, now that I've written my angry post-Widow Hunt Natasha POV story, I want to write the one where Bucky rethinks his terrible decision (possibly with encouragement from Steve) and comes back in the morning to be a supportive friend instead of spiraling down into his own manpain like a dumbass. I might have to do that, and then maybe I can put that whole arc behind me and forget it exists.

- One Direction fans bravely vanquish some old band called The Who - this (including the comments, if you skim judiciously) made me laugh a lot. Also, yay, Stone Roses shout-out in the comments!

- I meant to post this last week and forgot (well I posted it to Tumblr and it actually got reblogged a bit there, which rarely happens to the things I post): 24 Reasons Matt Saracen Is Your Dream Boyfriend. ♥MATT♥ Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!

- All Ultimate Titles Cancelled In November And Replaced With Cataclysm... And Miles Morales Is Headed To The Marvel Universe (UPDATE) - If this ends with Miles (and Ganke? Please?) in 616, I will be happy. ♥MILES♥ Speculation is that he's the Spider dude in Mighty Avengers, which would make sense, and make me want the book even more (though I would still like a continuing Peter Parker-Spider-Man book. I would pay for it, Marvel. Really I would.). (it's good riddance to bad rubbish as far as Ultimate Cap - and the rest of the Ultimates - is concerned.)

- Teen Wolf: Lunar Ellipse
That title makes me want to listen to "Brain Damage/Eclipse." I bet someone could do a cool Teen Wolf vid to that.

It's a good thing I watched the leaked version on Saturday, because I think I dozed a bit this time (I barely made it to 10 pm), mostly during the fight scenes. The fight scenes on this show rarely hold my interest, though that is often the case for me with most fight scenes (as a contrast, I kind of really dig the fight scenes on Arrow, and I'm not sure what the difference is. I mean, obviously it has something to do with the fight choreography, but I don't know enough about that to articulate the differences.)

Anyway, that opening scene is gorgeous, and I also really like the use of that driving, heroic music in these and some of the later scenes, despite it being totally anvilicious. It just worked for me for some reason.

Though seriously, they were out for SIXTEEN HOURS? MAYBE IF THEY HADN'T BEEN DROWNED. I MEAN WHAT. HOW DO LUNGS WORK, JEFF DAVIS? And how did they come back while their anchors were napping in the other room? ~MAGIC~ can only handwave so much!

Oh Scott, you are my favorite werewolf (on this show). I am even willing to roll with the true alpha business, if only because I like the idea that you can become one by consensus-building instead of killing people. I like that Scott's got a lot of traits that could be coded as feminine - he's a nurturer and a peacemaker.

ALLISON, YOU ARE THE BEST. Allison and Lydia's storylines were the best thing about this season (even if I'm annoyed that Lydia's talent is apparently screaming and finding dead bodies), though who thought that blue shirt-dress was a good idea for Lydia to spend two episodes in? Ugh, she looked like a nun. I can't believe Lydia would even own that dress, let alone wear it.

(speaking of wardrobe choices, did my eyes deceive me or did Jennifer come back in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT OUTFIT once her true face was revealed? Or were her other clothes part of the illusion? AGAIN I SAY WHAT?)

Anyway, I love that Lydia and Allison's storylines were about them and their powers/place in the town/pack etc. rather than their relationships with boys (though I side-eye Lydia's continued involvement with Aidan).

I don't understand how Aidan and Ethan can be part of Scott's pack - they killed Boyd and Erica and held Cora captive until she was feral. It's nice that they had a change of heart, but WHAT? And I guess Lydia likes a boy with a little murder in his soul? I mean what? Someone better clue Danny in (if he hasn't figured it out already). Otoh, McCall pack, yay!

I also don't get how they let Deucalion walk away with a "Lol do better next time!" WHAT WHAT? But meanwhile, Jennifer, who had a legit grievance, had to die. Other people have tackled the issues with how evil dudes get to live but evil ladies must die on this show (this post, via my flist), but I was just like, apparently instead of balancing each other out so that they make some not bad or even good choices, Scott and Derek are multipliers for each other's terrible decisions because WHAT? HOW DO YOU LET THAT GUY JUST WALK AWAY?

In addition to completely dropping the ball on Erica and Boyd, the show completely mishandled Cora, but I like that she and Derek are off on a Hale family road trip. No doubt Derek's return to Beacon Hills will kick off the second part of the season in January.

I enjoyed Stiles coming to the rescue with the bat again! He truly is BAT MAN. (Sorry not sorry.)

While Scott's final voiceover (really?) seemed very series finale-ish to me, I did love that it ended with him and Stiles, because that relationship is what the show is basically about to me, and I feel like it kind of gets backburnered by all the other stuff, which makes me sad.

And as much as I'm SO PLEASED that the parents survived, I feel like it's a bit of a cop-out that nobody but Jennifer and Kali died. Also, Scott's dad (who I will keep calling Bram because that was his name on West Wing) needs to go away so Melissa can date Sheriff (STILL NO FIRST NAME) Stilinski. And possibly have Chris Argent over for kinky threesomes. I AM JUST SAYING.

I have to keep reminding myself (or have
amberlynne remind me) not to think too much while I watch, because it just makes my head hurt.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/593588.html.
people have commented there.

tv: friday night lights, girl of random thoughts, comics: ultimate spider-man, links, does whatever a spider can, tv: teen wolf

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