my day in the sun

Aug 19, 2013 15:27

My commuter karma is still wonky, though today was much less bad than yesterday or Friday - today it was just third rail problems in the East River tunnels that made me 30 minutes late for work.

Last night, I woke up at 4:30 am and that was it for sleeping for me, so it would have been nice if I'd been able to nap on the train, especially considering that extra half hour, but no, it was not to be. Sigh. I am basically exhausted now and looking forward to communing with my bed when I get home this evening.

In other news, has anyone made lobster tails (the pastry, not the shellfish)? That was my nephew's request in terms of a birthday baked good, and I've never made them and all I hear is that they are difficult to make. (And also, apparently, they are not the same as sfogliatelle? I thought they were. Oops?) Any tips, tricks, or recipes?


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