i'm not trying to slow my fall

Aug 18, 2013 21:25

Today has been a really weird, frustrating day. It started out fine, despite the fact that I woke up with a headache. I made blondies (pic) since I didn't for the beach. They're nicely gooey/chewy, so that worked out well.

I puttered around online a bit - I wrote more meme answers, all of which you can see here:

Charles/Erik, XMFC
Nick/Cassie, Push
Allison/Lydia, Teen Wolf
Steve/Darcy, Avengers
Oliver/Felicity, Arrow
Sam/Dean, SPN
Kirk/McCoy, Star Trek Reboot
Tim/Kon, DCU [preboot]
Mal/River, Firefly
Remus/Sirius, Harry Potter

And then I got ready to go home. I was headed for the 3:40 train back into the city, but it turns out there was some massive accident on the LIE, which was closed down at that point, and traffic was backed up for three exits, with the overflow spilling out onto the service roads and side streets, so I wasn't going to make that train, and there was no guarantee at that point that I would make the 4:40, either, so we turned around and came back here.

Whereupon I got an email from the LIRR saying that due to the train striking an unauthorized person on the tracks, service was delayed up to 2 hours. So I wouldn't have made it home any time soon even if I had gotten on the train. So I think I made the right decision, because I don't think I got the all-clear email from them until about 7:45.

So then, my mother asked me to make dinner, since she's not feeling well. She said she'd been planning to make in-the-oven risotto, so I said sure, I would do it! It's not like it's hard. So my dad set up the oven, because as you'll recall, I have had issues with it in the past with things not cooking properly, and after an endless wait for the oven to heat up to 350°F, I put the pan in the oven and set the timer for 45 minutes.

I think you know how this story ends.

After 45 minutes, the rice had not absorbed any of the liquid. An additional 30 minutes showed no improvement and by this time it was about 7:15 pm, long past when my parents usually eat dinner. So instead of continuing on with something that clearly wasn't working, my dad agreed he would get the stove looked at (him agreeing and it actually happening are two separate events, and it will likely never happen, but whatever! I can only fight so many battles with them over things like this, and my mother at least seems to know how to bend the oven to her will), and we ordered pizza instead.

So yeah, just a weird day all around.

I guess I will work on more meme answers and then go to bed. Stupid work tomorrow. Sigh.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/593092.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, memes: fannish, adventures in cooking, my life so hard

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