anastasia screamed in vain

Apr 14, 2010 15:52

It never ever fails to amuse me that any mention of Joss Whedon on any of the entertainment blogs I read (which is not many, but it happens in places I only follow links to, as well) always devolves into a fight about how awesome/terrible Firefly & Serenity are. (see the comments on the news that Whedon is allegedly under consideration to direct Read more... )

i won't read your fic if, joss

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Comments 40

ingridmatthews April 14 2010, 20:01:21 UTC
What about "Dollhouse"? ;)

= people who have a story finished but post in installments anyway.

The most attention-whorey of the attention-whorey! That's an instant scroll and I may not go back to it (and I *read* WIPs.) It's too hostage-y for me.


musesfool April 14 2010, 20:11:32 UTC
What about "Dollhouse"?

I know not this "Dollhouse" of which you speak. The people who don't love it like to pretend it doesn't exist. *snerk*

It's too hostage-y for me.

*nod nod*

That's how it feels to me, too.


angelgazing April 14 2010, 20:12:31 UTC
I know I was bitching about number two there just a few days ago. But seriously. 11,000 words. WHY DO YOU NEED 7 PARTS? Arg.

In conclusion: WORD.


musesfool April 14 2010, 20:15:11 UTC

Dear fandom,

You are not William Faulkner, and 600 words is not a chapter.




celtprincess13 April 14 2010, 20:14:36 UTC
people who have a story finished but post in installments anyway.

And its corollary: people who hold the next part(s) of the fic hostage until they get some pre-set number of comments. That's a guaranteed way to get me clicking the back button.


musesfool April 14 2010, 20:15:47 UTC
That goes without saying! But I haven't seen that behavior on LJ/DW. Only on


celtprincess13 April 14 2010, 20:17:57 UTC
Weirdly enough, I see it way more than you might think. And I don't necessarily mean the folks who say something along the lines of "comments feed my muse" because they usually aren't meaning it in the demanding way.


musesfool April 14 2010, 20:26:41 UTC
Huh. Really? I see it a lot with the Dark Angel fic I read on, but I can't remember the last time I saw that on LJ/DW fic, if ever.


chicklet_girl April 14 2010, 20:16:47 UTC
= people who have a story finished but post in installments anyway. Screw that. I want to read the story at my pace. You're only getting one comment from me at the end anyway, so I guess I'll just wait until then to read it. Maybe. If I remember. And I'm not still annoyed at your irritating posting habits.

Yes. THIS. It's almost as annoying as ending every installment with "Please comment if you want more!" I hate seeing that shit on finished stories at, let alone in real-time on LJ.

Write. Or do not. I'm not going to beg for it, no matter how good you think you are.


celtprincess13 April 14 2010, 20:19:04 UTC
Write. Or do not. I'm not going to beg for it, no matter how good you think you are.


Great minds think alike.


musesfool April 14 2010, 20:22:00 UTC
Yeah. I mean, I can see circumstances where you might do it? It's a gift and the last third is still being betaed? So you post the beginning? but this is not the days of the mailing list, where you had to split a 10K word story into a few posts and didn't want to spam people's inboxes!

Write. Or do not. I'm not going to beg for it, no matter how good you think you are

You speak the truth, my sister.


lls_mutant April 14 2010, 20:31:27 UTC
= people who split stories that will fit in one post into more than one post. THERE IS NO NEED TO DO THIS! IT IS ANNOYING! (I have fit an 11K word story into an LJ post, with (admittedly minimal) headers! Don't tell me it can't be done! and you can fit way more in a Dreamwidth post)

This is especially true now that AO3 exists, and as it becomes more popular. You can put one hell of a huge fic over there, and then just link in your post here. (Or set up a writing journal/community and post your parts over there, and then post the one header fic over here.)

And how can you have a completed fic on your drive and NOT want to post the whole thing? :) I mean, I'm a WIPrincess, but seriously... on the rare occasions I've gotten a chaptered fic completed before posting (maybe three times?), I've been DYING to post the whole damn thing. I get the desire for reviews- we all want them- but playing hostage for them isn't the way to go. :P ::ends preaching to the choir::


musesfool April 14 2010, 20:36:33 UTC
You can put one hell of a huge fic over there, and then just link in your post here

*nod nod*

it's not even the multiple posts on my flist that bother me, it's the having to click through to three chapters for a story that is only 10K words long! What the hell is that?

And how can you have a completed fic on your drive and NOT want to post the whole thing?

I have no idea! I get terribly antsy. I want things done and posted so I can bask for a little while and move on to the next story.


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