anastasia screamed in vain

Apr 14, 2010 15:52

It never ever fails to amuse me that any mention of Joss Whedon on any of the entertainment blogs I read (which is not many, but it happens in places I only follow links to, as well) always devolves into a fight about how awesome/terrible Firefly & Serenity are. (see the comments on the news that Whedon is allegedly under consideration to direct the Avengers movie)


Things that irritate me, fannish edition, #81982

= people who don't put the full names of the characters and/or identify the fandom in their headers or subject lines or tags or SOMEWHERE ON THE FUCKING POST OUTSIDE THE CUT. Which Jack? Which Sam? Which Dan? J? S? D? WHO ARE YOU WRITING ABOUT? When I'm scrolling by and the title of your story piques my interest, I shouldn't have to start reading it to figure out what fandom the story is in and which characters it is about.

= people who split stories that will fit in one post into more than one post. THERE IS NO NEED TO DO THIS! IT IS ANNOYING! (I have fit an 11K word story into an LJ post, with (admittedly minimal) headers! Don't tell me it can't be done! and you can fit way more in a Dreamwidth post) ALSO, TURN OFF THE RICH TEXT EDITOR! IT IS OF THE DEVIL! The html code used on LJ/DW posts is not hard to learn!

= people who have a story finished but post in installments anyway. Screw that. I want to read the story at my pace. You're only getting one comment from me at the end anyway, so I guess I'll just wait until then to read it. Maybe. If I remember. And I'm not still annoyed at your irritating posting habits.

It's the behaviors that irritate me, not the people, but I am too tired and busy to try to figure out how to rephrase so it's less cranky.


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people have commented there.

i won't read your fic if, joss

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