a blizzard of blissed-out chicanery

Jun 08, 2007 10:35

Ocean's Thirteen opens today!


Reviews are mixed, as usual, but it sounds like more fun (and less humiliation squick) than O12, so I imagine I will be seeing it in the theatre at some point.

All the reviews are somewhat spoilery (especially EW), but I'm not sure it really matters with this kind of movie.

* Entertainment Weekly

* NY Read more... )

pimping, o11, page six, links, movies

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Comments 29

lunaris1013 June 8 2007, 14:52:38 UTC
Whee! O11 links all in one handy dandy place!

O13 is on my wish list for the weekend if I can drag someone along. A couple of people owe me for Hot Fuzz.


musesfool June 8 2007, 15:14:13 UTC
Always happy to make O11 things easier to find.

And I was hoping to see it this weekend with my niece (we saw O12 together), but she is busy being a social butterfly these days, so I don't know if we will. Sigh.


scarlet_avatar June 8 2007, 14:58:58 UTC
George/Brad would totally be my RPF OTP*

A.FREAKING.MEN. To uh both. I just glanced through all the interviews and all i can say is that they really are that awesome.

You know i actually think the Rusty/Danny manifesto is where i first came across you like over a year ago. It was a great manifesto btw - i just suck at leaving comments!

And all those recs - i know wat i'll be doing after my exams!

*With Jared and Jensen closing fast. Oh boys... *smishes them*

They kill me dead with the adorableness. Seriously. I just... *flails like crazy*


musesfool June 8 2007, 15:15:05 UTC
They are so awesome! I just love George Clooney so much, and he makes me like Brad Pitt.

You know i actually think the Rusty/Danny manifesto is where i first came across you like over a year ago. It was a great manifesto btw - i just suck at leaving comments!

Heh. thanks.


scarlet_avatar June 8 2007, 15:26:45 UTC
Haha George Clooney is really, truly wonderful - he's like one of the last true Movie Stars in a time full of celebrities and socialites.

I loved Pitt since Ocean's 11. The whole Jen/Angelina thing dampened my love for him quite a bit but reading interviews like this i can't help but adore him.


musesfool June 8 2007, 15:43:04 UTC
George Clooney is really, truly wonderful - he's like one of the last true Movie Stars in a time full of celebrities and socialites.

He is! What other movie star evokes such Old Hollywood grandeur and glamour? None.

I loved Pitt since Ocean's 11. The whole Jen/Angelina thing dampened my love for him quite a bit but reading interviews like this i can't help but adore him.

I've liked any number of his movies, but yeah, I wasn't too thrilled with him as a celebrity until O11. Whenever he and George are interviewed together, it makes my heart flutter.


marinarusalka June 8 2007, 15:05:05 UTC
How much do I love the fact that the NY Times review compared Clooney and Pitt to Cary Grant and Rosalind Russel?

A whole lot, that's how much.


musesfool June 8 2007, 15:15:29 UTC


It's funny 'cause it's true!


starfishchick June 8 2007, 15:31:18 UTC
I had a little Ocean's renaissance with iseult_variante a couple of weekends ago. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, heists!!

Plus, I love George.


musesfool June 8 2007, 15:41:20 UTC
Heists! Capers! Men in shiny suits talking fast and in jargon!

And George is awesome.


starfishchick June 8 2007, 15:46:40 UTC
Some of the quotes in the interviews are just killing me.

George: You're thinking that we're not just whores for money. There's your mistake.
(I kind of want that on an icon! /shame)

CLOONEY: We like that Matt's done three different Linuses in three different movies.
DAMON: I have done him kind of different each time.
BARKIN: It's important for him to change it up, while Brad and George have no range, so they just have to keep playing the same parts.


musesfool June 8 2007, 16:07:32 UTC
I kind of want that on an icon!

That would be an AWESOME icon.

And yeah, they're hilarious in the interviews - casual and cool and funny. *hearts*


restless_jedi June 8 2007, 15:59:49 UTC
This fandom makes me miss angelgazing so hard. Lust, Loot, and Loudon Lies and The Absence of Truth in Cartography just are Danny and Rusty to me; every time I write them, that's what it wants to be.


musesfool June 8 2007, 16:06:31 UTC
I know! I wish we could lure her back...


restless_jedi June 8 2007, 16:13:04 UTC
If we're lucky, seeing the movie will do it for us.


musesfool June 8 2007, 16:23:46 UTC
We can hope!


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