a blizzard of blissed-out chicanery

Jun 08, 2007 10:35

Ocean's Thirteen opens today!


Reviews are mixed, as usual, but it sounds like more fun (and less humiliation squick) than O12, so I imagine I will be seeing it in the theatre at some point.

All the reviews are somewhat spoilery (especially EW), but I'm not sure it really matters with this kind of movie.

* Entertainment Weekly

* NY Times

* NY Daily News

* NY Post

* Salon

And George and Brad (with an occasional assist from Matt) doing their thing:

* Lucky Stars

* Fun with George and Brad

* Jokers Wild

* Brad Pitt Reluctantly Gets On His Knees with Clooney & Damon

And remember that rumor that George and Brad were buying a gay bar and turning it into a B&B? Well, apparently, the property is on the market again: Brad And George Get Another Shot At Purchasing The Gay-Owned Business Of Their Dreams (thanks to hackthis for the last two links)

I don't do RPF, but if I did, George/Brad would totally be my RPF OTP*.

As it is, I am hoping some excellent Danny/Rusty fic comes out of this movie, especially as both Tess and Isabel are gone. For those of you looking for O11 stories, I've got links!

I wrote the Danny/Rusty essay for ship_manifesto a couple years ago: The Perfect Hand, and I also ran two iterations of takethehouse, an O11 ficathon, plus all my O11 recs can be found here. (all the O11 fic I've written can be found here.)

Hot thieves in love, people! There is no bad here!

*is hoping for an O11 fic mini-renaissance*

* With Jared and Jensen closing fast. Oh boys... *smishes them*


pimping, o11, page six, links, movies

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