
Jul 22, 2006 20:54

OMG so I don't even KNOW where to start with todays stuff!! Very very very brief summary:

- We got Scottish stuff to Paul yay!!
- I met xfkirsten, athenaktt and very briefly phrenitis and ceruleantides who I shall hopefully spend more time with tomorrow
- I succesfully avoided Torri but chickaboo and Kristy talked to her ( Read more... )

usa, sg1, torri, sga, con, travel, ed

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Comments 43

athenaktt July 23 2006, 05:25:08 UTC
That's okay. After we lost you guys, we figured we should head out before the crowd. It was great seeing you guys! =D


muldy July 23 2006, 05:44:30 UTC
Yeah was awesome meeting you! Will drop off your stuff in LA!!


athenaktt July 23 2006, 06:06:58 UTC
yes, give me a call and we'll try to meet up!


chickaboo July 23 2006, 15:06:49 UTC
So, so, *so* sorry I forgot your present!! I feel horrible!
(shh, don't tell astropoet!)

Sorry I didn't get to talk to you more, yesterday was crazy and I was kinda insane....


sapphs July 23 2006, 05:27:39 UTC
I don't even know where to start!!

WOAH!! I SO wish I was there! You met xfkirsten!! AWESOME!! Dont know the others but they sound great as well!!

*SQUEE* for the kissing! ZOMG that would be fabulous to seeeee! And omg Rachel giving Jason a black eye! *grins* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I want photos damnit!! :P

YAY FOR TORRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


muldy July 23 2006, 05:45:42 UTC
*squee* Isn't it like a "wow" day i just I don't even remember most of what happened LOL!! You should check out xfkirsten's pics!!


sapphs July 23 2006, 05:49:04 UTC
I have!! I just saw them at the Weir WOW thread on GW :D

The one of all of you at the end is great!


xfkirsten July 23 2006, 06:53:51 UTC
EEEEE!! Oh, man, you remembered details that I forgot! I loved the "you had a croissant, dear," line. XD

Heee... you know how I mentioned that Torri had a really recognizable shirt on? Yeah. That's how I spotted her. :P EEEEEEEEE! She IMMEDIATELY made the dolphin noise, it was awesome!

Sorry we missed ya! We got separated, and without my phone (which I later found in my boot) I couldn't text ya to find out where you were. :P

OMFG JUSTIN LONG? I had SUCH a crush on him!


alyssa22 July 23 2006, 08:18:36 UTC
Fi remembers everything. She has a freaky memory like that.

So cool that you got the dolphin noise! Very funny!


muldy July 23 2006, 15:25:03 UTC
Heee she got dolphin noise!! But I do not have a freaky memory :P


alyssa22 July 23 2006, 15:44:16 UTC
I know! Dolphin noise is soooo funny!


pheniox_girl July 23 2006, 07:15:14 UTC

*DIESZ* Torri + Joe + KISS= me being extremely jealous of you!!!!

I want the vid fottage like forever ago. When i saw that post on the JE comm I just about died. Seriously I did.

Plus everytime some one writes about a Con Aaron always comes up. I need to go to one just to meet him and see this in person. Next year is my year, I swear it!

ok, done ranting right now....

oh, question though. Because y'all volunteered did you like get in for free? Oviously you had to pay for hotel and such, but was admission to the con free?


muldy July 23 2006, 15:27:38 UTC
The con was free, and am not paying for a hotel I'm crashing at a friends place ;) So yeah if you go just make sure you volunteer, if you get ur assignment as soon as possible then you get the three hours you want to work in and can still do everything you wanna do!! Is awesome :)

AND LOL I still can't believe Joe kissed Torri!!


unspokenlonging July 23 2006, 07:48:11 UTC
It was cool today, Glad to have met you :) ps it's Kirstens friend kerry :P


muldy July 23 2006, 15:27:54 UTC
Ah huh!! *waves hi* *goes to friend u* Today was awesome :)


muldy July 23 2006, 15:28:16 UTC


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