(no subject)

Jul 22, 2006 20:54

OMG so I don't even KNOW where to start with todays stuff!! Very very very brief summary:

- We got Scottish stuff to Paul yay!!
- I met xfkirsten, athenaktt and very briefly phrenitis and ceruleantides who I shall hopefully spend more time with tomorrow
- I succesfully avoided Torri but chickaboo and Kristy talked to her

So we got up around 7:30 this morning, showered, got ready and were out of the house about 8:40. We got to Comic Con early for once and then we weren't allowed in the door for half an hour! So I get a text from xfkirsten saying "I'm here!!" so I was like "Where are you!?" and told her to go to the Volunteer thing figuring we'd get in soon enough...

So I see her come up in her cool Elizabeth Swan pirate outfit and called her and waved from outside haha, then as we're still waiting to go in this really cool Jack Sparrow came up and took photos with her!! (Kirsten I want those pics cos he was awesome :P)

Anyway at 9:50 or something we finally got let in, ran over and said hi to xfkirsten quickly before getting in the line for our assignment thing and got taken to our job. We got split up for the first time kinda, and I was sent outside to hand out purple registration forms but it was in this un airconditioned in the sun hallway and SO HOT!! Gah!! Anyway after a couple of hours of heat and dying they closed down the On-Site Registration because the fire marshall deemed the hall too full and a fire hazard.

So then my job became to tell people basically to piss off. Not such a great job but I felt important ;)

Finally it got close to 1PM when we were spose to be finished so me and the girl left and found this Joe guy and signed out, but chickaboo and Kristy weren't allowed to leave until they were releaved. So I ran to the hall in hope of getting in before the 1PM panel, and there's this HUGE line of like 300 people outside. So I totally freaked out thinking the hall was already full and I wouldn't get in...

But its OK the hall has 4000 seats. But while I was in the line xfkirsten sends me a text message saying that she saved me seats so YAY! Only actually took me ten minutes to get into the hall and watched these old guys for a while talking. Then finally after like 40 minutes chickaboo and Kristy made in and we sat to the end then ran for xfkirsten but they only had two seats - we were gonna squash but luckily we found seats three rows behind them. Anyway I waved my hello to athenaktt and then we sat down and got ready for Stargate!!

Hehe first out comes Gary Jones cos he was the moderator and he announced the people. Some Sci Fi lady and then Chris Judge, Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie. So they talked - Chris Judge lifted up his shirt at one stage. Then Gary Jones asked everyone who their favourite badguy was and of course everyone says "BAAL!!!!" and Gary Jones starts talking bout him and Cliff Simon comes up behind him haha was quite amusing. LOL then this guy comes up and says something about "Star Trek" totally by accident, everyone like boo'd and made noises and Chris Judge stands up and walks off stage and then there were a couple of comments and Gary Jones was like "Oooh not talking to you anymore" and Robert Picardo (who appeared on stage by this time) was like "I'll still talk to you".

Oh yeah!! Someone asked about Furlings and Joe Mallozzi pulls out this list and is like "Ok there's a list of things I was not allowed to talk about..." and he starts reading these things out.

He said something about Daniel turning to the dark side and joining the Ori...do not discuss... and then he said "Furlings, Jack O'Neill and *insert forgotten thing here* Farscape scene do not discuss."

He mentioned General Hammond would be in the 200th episode...and that the original idea for 200 came from the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes where everyone has their own little story and stuff!!

Chris Judge kept stroking the Sci Fi executive producer lady everytime someone mentioned a season 11 or any kind of future season thing lol. And at the end they were talking about actors coming back for more season and Chris Judge was like "Sure. As long as they pay me. *turns and looks at Sci Fi lady* The right price." And she starts stroking his arms LOL it was very good timing on her behalf ;)

Anywayz after that they all went off stage and it was time for ATLANTIS!! Yay!! So they all go off the stage and then they played this ad for season 3 Atlantis and wow they made it look cool. They played an SG1 one earlier too and that looked even better!! (Yes I actually have hope for season 10 of SG1).

Then finally he announced them all - and last night someone was spreading rumours of Torri not turning up today so I thought she would but he announced Joe and then Torri *squee* and then Rachel, Paul, David, some Sci Fi guy and Joe M & Paul M again. They were all so squished together on the table LOL!

Torri didn't talk much *sad* but Joe M's blabbering on about how he was told he'd only about to see the first four rows but he could see all the way to the back. So I shrink in my seat hoping Torri can't see me ;)

David Hewlett had most of the questions asked to him LOL and two in a row said 'You're going to hate me after this but...' and he was like "Why does every question I get asked start with 'you're going to hate me...'!?"

They also showed a clip of A Dog's Breakfast *squee* but it was weird cos its David and Paul and David's sister cuddled up on the couch watching Paul's character thing on TV kissing Rachel's character - ITS SO ODD! LOL Anyway that's gonna be an interesting movie to see ;)

Haha oh at one point Paul was like "Is it just me or is it hot in here?" and started blabbering around it and then he "pulls off" a pair of Scottish flag boxers and chucks them out into the audience!! OMG and later David was like "Keep your pants on Paul" and Paul replied with "That's not what you were saying last night!" And later Torri said something about not even remembering what she had for breakfast and Paul was like "It was a croissant dear" and David joked that Paul didn't have a room he was just going around to everyone elses :P

There was a discussion about Torri being Welsh haha and she said one sentence in a total Welsh accent! *squee*

OK well I know most of you reading wanna here bout this part...

So some chick comes up and asks Torri about Weir and Caldwell ship!! Torri's reaction was "Caldwell? What? Really!?" lol TOTALLY in shock it was hilarious. Anyway she's about to respond and Joe Flanigan just reaches over and kisses her!

Yes...I know its the actors mucking around but me = total squealage!! Joe looked pretty pleased with himself ;) and *squee* phrenitis and ceruleantides GOT VIDEO FOOTAGE!! *points* Yes everyone bug them!

Ooh oh and someone asked about pranks. Rachel sat up and was saying on the last day before hiatus she was up in a tree doing something (David mentioned it took her like an hour to get up there:P) and apparently between takes David, Paul and Joe kept poking her with sticks and stuff.

And then Joe was saying how once they were out shooting on location and David and Paul kept whining about how heavy their backpacks and everything were so everytime David and Paul weren't looking Joe kept dropping rocks into their bags and they didn't figure it out for the whole day! Haha that was quite amusing.

Oh oh and someone asked Rachel Lutrell if she'd ever injured someone fighting - and Joe starts looking at her and she's like "Don't look at me like that Joe!" and then Joe was like "There's a reason Jason Momoa's not here today" and apparently she gave him a black eye last year and a bloody lip as well!!

Although she denies the bloody lip :P

Ooh yeah someone came up and said the "How are you so awesome?" to David and he said "You know the postal system must love you guys!" (I'm assuming you all know about the postcard thing :P)

HAHA and then at one point I looked down for a second and looked back up and Aaron Douglas is on stage, walks up behind David and Paul and takes the water jug and fills up his glass and walked off stage with it again. LOL that guy is obsessed with crashing Stargate cons :P

Then Gary Jones commented that between acting on BSG he pours water for everyone on the Stargate sets. Someone else then commented that that was how he made his drinking money ;)

OK so I'm sure more things will return to me later but my brain is a total mush of squee right now...so moving along...the thing finished and we tried to run up to the stage but by the time we got there Paul was gone - cos we had Irn Bru and teacakes for him from Scotland and cos we felt like we had to we bought Torri a dolphin thing that said San Diego on it and a little dolphin bracelet.

Torri was still on stage when we got there and she said to someone in front of us that she'd see them 'outside'...which resulted in us running out and finding xfkirsten and her friend and then hanging around waiting to see if they came outside. Then we went back and found athenaktt and then phrenitis and ceruleantides who then ran off downstairs to check that out.

So then we all figured we should just head down to the Sci Fi booth. So we got there and chickaboo and Kristy straight away hop in the line for Rachel's autograph cos she was signing at the Women Of Sci Fi calender place that Chris was yesterday (he turned up again too). And we're standing around talking for about half an hour and athenaktt just goes "ITS HIM!" So I look around and it's PAUL! So I ran up and held up my hands and was like "PAUL!" and he stopped like ten cm from me and was like "Yes!?" and I was like "My friend has Scottish food for you!" and he gives me this funny look - of course by then chickaboo is already next to me and holding it out lol and it was sooo hot in there - he grabs the Irn Bru and opens it and chugs it down!

I guess he appreciate that pressie ;)

Anyway we talked to him quickly and then he was like "So you guys want photos?" and we're like "YES!" So somehow I end up being camera woman - and I CANT USE CAMERAS!! Especially not xfkirsten's cos its all complicated and cool (therefore she has the best pics please see her for them :P) lol so then he had to go and we returned to our standing around and the others in the line (apparently Kristy just told some random to keep their spots and ran off)

So its another like 20 minutes and xfkirsten shouts out "TORRI!" in a high squealy voice and runs off...so I'm like "Huh? Where?" and ran over to chickaboo and Kristy and tell them and chickaboo runs off with the dolphin stuff and Kristy paused so I was like "I'll mind the line!"

So she ran off too :P Finally i spotted Torri like all the way on the other side of the Sci Fi thing (dude xfkirsten you have good eyesight :P). Apparently Torri squealed really loudly and made the dolphin noise when they gave her the pressie YAY!

So the others came back and we swapped again I went back to standing in the Sci Fi area and we moved to the other side - although Torri had to go pretty fast they were all being dragged off by security guards :( - and then ten minuts after that Joe Flanigan appeared for like 2 seconds and then was led off, but he had one of his kids with him so that's understandable.

Speaking of Joe Flanigan he was much better at this con than the Vancouver con - I think he's more comfortable on stage when he's with the others.

So we hung around for ages thinking that David would have to come out at some point, but if he did we didn't see him, so then chickaboo ran off to get an author's signiture and we went to Starbucks cos we needed frappacino's in that weather!!

Then we went back and got chickaboo from the Sci Fi stand and I ran off to get our assignments for tomorrow (which I totally forgot about) and left the others and then the bloody woman said we all had to be there I couldn't get assignments for the others. ARGH!! Then of course my phone wouldn't connect to anyone's cos it was being funny so finally I called Kristy from my Aussie phone and told her to come.

After we got our assignments we decided to go home, sorry xfkirsten and athenaktt we didn't say bye!! (Hopefully will see you again!!)

So we're walking down the hallway just talking and we get bout halfway down the length of the convention center and I stop and was like "JUSTIN LONG!" (as in that guy from Dodgeball who played Warren Cheswick on Ed!)

Kristy was like "What about him?" and I'm like "JUSTIN LONG!!!!!!!!" *loud and squealy* and finally Kristy notices him and was like "OMG WARREN CHESWICK!" so we're standing there squealing while he's taking pictures with Obi-wan, Leia and a couple of others. Then finally they finish and he stood up (they were doing some pyramid thing) and Kristy was like 'Justin can we have a photo?" and he's like "Sure!" first he goes and thanks the others then he came over and was like 'Hi I'm Justin'


Yes...we know ;)

LOL anywayz we got photos with JUSTIN LONG!! OMG I LOVE HIM HE IS SO CUTE!! He was shorter than I expected him to be but *squee* cept he thought we were english...*makes face at him* but we didn't bother to correct him. Kristy told him how Warren Cheswick was her favourite and he was like "Wow I totally forgot that aired on TV in Britain..." *headdesk*

But yeah besides two stupid comments he was awesome, even introduced himself and said hi to chickaboo who was just taking the photos!

Anyway we came back here with a rather succesful day and wow there's totally more that I've left out too LOL!!

Anyway...I am thirsty! *goes to drink something*

(this post took me an hour and a half to write, although chickaboo and Kristy were sitting behind me talking through most of it!)

usa, sg1, torri, sga, con, travel, ed

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