(no subject)

Jul 23, 2006 20:39

OK so final day of Comic Con...

We started our day with shopping. I bought two things (I spent ten dollars in total on the convention itself I don't think that's so bad right? :P), a pack of Stargate Atlantis season 1 cards and a pack of Farscape season 2 cards. Anyway while we're wandering around shopping we found this card place we hadn't raided yet and they had season 9 X-Files cards on display so I picked them up to look at them and then turned around to ask the guy behind me how much they cost and Dean Haglund's standing behind me.

So of course his name pops out of my mouth before my brain can think, so instantly I put the cards back down and grinned and was like "Again!!" and he was like "Agaain!!" (I dunno if he really remembered me :P, although Kristy did go back to him again yesterday) and then I asked him if he could please sign something for my brother cos he's a huge Lone Gunmen fan (no he's not really an X-Files fan but he totally loves the The Lone Gunmen)

So he did yay!! Anyway then we went up to the Jericho first worldwide screening thing and it was quite interesting. I'm intrigued I shall watch more :P AND OMG SKEET ULRICH IS IN IT OMFG MIRACLES!LOVE!!!! *squee* I knew I recognsied the name but it didn't click till I saw his face...*headdesk*

phrenitis and ceruleantides kindly saved us seats yay!! So we watched that and then there was the panel for it yay. Which omg I LOVE THE CREATORS THEY WERE THE CUTEST MOST ADORABLE TPTB GUYS I'VE EVER SEEN!! *squee* I loved them more than the actors LOL although the brown haired chick piped up that she was a Sci Fi geek and loved Battlestar Galactica!!

Anyway after that panel we went back down to the Sci Fi thing to see if Corin Nemec was at the Lightspeed thing signing yet and he was *squee* but he was surrounded by people. We lost chickaboo and Kristy to the bathroom briefly and then phrenitis and ceruleantides decided to go and get Starbucks, briefly showed me their video footage of the kiss *Squee* cept omg it was totally longer yesterday on stage when I was in shock ;)

But *squee* anyway, and then ran off. Two seconds later I found chickaboo and Kristy and we went over and Kristy got Corin's autograph and then a picture and AAAW HE WAS SO NICE!! I absolutely love him! He talked to us for absolutely ages and while he was talking to us his Mum called so he picked up and he asked us what the time was and then told his Mum and was like 'Yeah I'll probably be finished about 7...actually...*to us*, what time does this close?' Us = "Five" Corin: "I'll be here till five"


Umm after that more wanderin aruond, then we went upstairs to the autograph area to see if anyone exciting was there and ran into ceruleantides and phrenitis at the freebie table. We planned to meet up again at the 'Breaking Into Sci Fi writing' talk so we went in to save seats while phrenitis and ceruleantides ran down to get Stargate pens from the Avatar stand. Then chickaboo remembered she'd promised to get her Mum something so her and Kristy ran off to get stuff and left me alone. Then the others came back and we watched it but I hadda run off after 40 minutse to go to my shift.

Our shift lasted twenty minutes, then forty minutes of hanging around and we were told to leave.

And then it was over


End of Comic Con 2006.

IT WAS AWESOME THOUGH!! Lol never seen so many geeks in my life :P

usa, con, travel

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