(no subject)

Jul 22, 2006 00:20



OK well where do we start....we got up early this morning so we could get to the convention centre before 11AM to get in line for Gigi Edgley's autograph, but of course we didn't get there till after 11 and by the time we got all our passes and stuff from the volunteer desk it was 11:30. So we run straight up to the autographing hall, we're walking along and first person I see is Dean Haglund!


So of course we go and wait for the one person talking to him to finish and then walk up and start talking. LOL he was so excited that I lived in Kits cos he used to live sort of close to there haha and then he points at this Lone Gunmen pic at Byers and is like "He lives like two blocks from you"

*squees more*

So Dean kindly gave us stalkworthy information and then we took a photo with him, and like we talked for ten minutes and he personalised the autograph taking up half the page and everything!! (Sorry sapphs I was totally distracted and didn't get one for you *hides*)

Anyway after that we go around the corner and there's Gigi Edgley and David Franklin *squee* so we line up and are watching as Gigi comes out and takes photos with everyone, of course it all took forever but that was OK. In the end the line go so big they packed up and moved us all over to one of the bigger signing areas lol.

Cos Farscape is obviously the coolest :P

So after an hour and a half of standing in line we finally get to the front and are all squeely and realise of course the photos with her cost $20 so we decided against having those, but we walked up and started talking and she said hi and then one of the first things she says is "Yay Aussies!!"

So then we go through the whole thing of explaining how we live in Canada and chickaboo is our American friend who actually lives in Scotland etc. :P And she was like "Oooh Vancouver!! There's a convention there in two weeks, you guys should go there's some really hot guys going!"

Us = "Really!?"
Gigi = "Yeah when I got invited first thing I did was check out what hot guys would be going!!"

SHE IS SO CUTE!! *hugs her* So we took a photo of her just not with her and then after talking to her for a good long while about Australia and US and Canada and...wow we didn't even mention Farscape LOL!! But then we moved along to David Franklin and had the same Aussies living in Canada and American living in Scotland conversation which led to "How on earth do you know each other?" and then a long conversation about driving on the wrong side of the road :P

He was really nice too!! Hehe both of them gave us huge personalised autographs (and again sapphs I'm sorry I actually planned to get them to sign ur thing too I kept saying it over and over and got there and completely forgot *headdesk*)

So after our nice little X-Files & Farscape squealy things we went over and met Steve Bacic quickly, he was really hot. Really really hot...

Then we had to run over for the BSG panel line up - but we just walked in and went to the Superman one which was OK and then stayed in for the BSG panel!! OMG IT WAS SO FUNNY!! Aaron Douglas is awesome...

The lady didn't turn up (I dunno her name *hides* the older one...that was spose to be there...yeah ok I DONT WATCH BSG but OMFG THE AD FOR SEASON 3 LOOKS FREAKING AMAZING so I guess I better start...) but Aaron replced her and him and James Callis were really funny lol!! Edward James Olsmon (is that his name I'm guessing here LOL) was very deep and meaningful but also very funny...

They were all pretty amusing really, just making fun of each other alot!! Oooh and LUcy Lawless was cool hehe I liked her - such and Kiwi accent though LOL!! (yes as an Aussie I reserved my right to mock Kiwis :P)

Anyway after the BSG panel we went outside and then headed down to the exhibition hall, of course we went straight to the place we met Connor Trinneer yesterday and of course he was there again...we didn't talk to him again but we took pics, he noticed us I hope he doesn't remember us ;) - and then we're walking intending to go somewhere other than the Sci Fi booth and the couple of ones next to it and of course someone (either Kristy or chickaboo) stopped and pointed to our right so I looked and low and behold there's Cliff Simon!!

There was no one there so I walked up and the first thing that comes out of my mouth is "We already got your autograph in Vancouver but we thought we'd come say hi!" we chatted to him for a while - he just got back from Australia, the BOBW con hehe no I will not mention Jason, and he said the weather was crappy there :P (yes well its winter)

So as we're talking to Cliff we notice a sign...Chris Judge signing Women From Sci Fi Calenders at 4PM and it was 3:47 at this point we were working at 5. So we figured we'd just wait around a few minutes for him. So at 4 they announce he'll be there at 4:30 and at 4:30 we're told to get in line and at 5 PM he turns up :P Although in the meantime we talked to two other chicks (one was a bit weird but the second one was pretty cool) and Kristy managed to scab us free Stargate SG1 penlights from the Sci Fi stand *squee*

So Chris comes in they sit him down and order him to sign LOL so we're the second group of people and I didn't have anything but the others had stuff for him to sign (cos it's not a convention organised one you hadda buy somethin from the stand for him to sign he won't sign my book for free :( ) so he shook their hands and signed their stuff and as we walked off he waved to me *squee*

Then we ran for our shift and we weren't actually late cos everyone was still hanging around outside the volunteer booth so that was OK :) We got to see Chris AND weren't late for our 5PM shifts :P And they were better than today we got to hang around the halls...well first we were in a room playing hangman, but then we went into the hallway and were directing people where to go hehe powertrip!

So at 7:40 or whenever they let us off our shift we jump straight into the line for the Sci Fi Friday thing which was absolutely huge already and had already wrapped around the whole block area that they were lining up in, so we went against the other wall and started basically a second part to the line. Just as we're about to go in the guy who was helping us with the volunteer stuff came up and said "You guys were good workers, come with me!" and starts leading us towards the entrance of the Sci Fi friday hall before it all started...

But of course THE WHOLE LINE followed after us so we hadda go in normally with everyone else *sad*

But we still got a good seat.

The main guy from Eureka introduced everything and we watched a couple of trailers (for season 3 BSG and Eureka) then watched the Eureka pilot!

OMG I LOVED IT!! Such a funny sort of sarcastic weird show!! Really really loved it I wanna watch more!!

Then was SG1...I won't say anything spoilerish cept I LOVE VALA!! *Squee*

And Atlantis...I LOVE ELIZABETH!! *squee*

Yup I'm done :P

Oh oh yeah of course we're watching these eps with SOOO many people and when the credits came on everyone was cheering when the people came up!! Can I just say Claudia had by far the most cheering :P Michael was second but Claudia beat him out!

*bounces happily*

David got the loudest cheer for Atlantis of course ;)

And man Robert PIcardo (oh yeah we saw him too today, he was at the booth that Connor was at later when we walked past) must be getting a big paycheck from the Stargate production people at the beginning of the seasons ;)

EDITED: Oh oh oh and we got free SG1 tenth anniversary keyrings LOL they're pretty cool and totally geeky!!

Anyway ATLANTIS AND SG1 PANELS TOMORROW!! Better get some rest!! *bounces off squealy*

usa, farscape, sg1, con, bsg, xfiles, travel, sga

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