
Jul 22, 2006 20:54

OMG so I don't even KNOW where to start with todays stuff!! Very very very brief summary:

- We got Scottish stuff to Paul yay!!
- I met xfkirsten, athenaktt and very briefly phrenitis and ceruleantides who I shall hopefully spend more time with tomorrow
- I succesfully avoided Torri but chickaboo and Kristy talked to her ( Read more... )

usa, sg1, torri, sga, con, travel, ed

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xfkirsten July 23 2006, 06:53:51 UTC
EEEEE!! Oh, man, you remembered details that I forgot! I loved the "you had a croissant, dear," line. XD

Heee... you know how I mentioned that Torri had a really recognizable shirt on? Yeah. That's how I spotted her. :P EEEEEEEEE! She IMMEDIATELY made the dolphin noise, it was awesome!

Sorry we missed ya! We got separated, and without my phone (which I later found in my boot) I couldn't text ya to find out where you were. :P

OMFG JUSTIN LONG? I had SUCH a crush on him!


alyssa22 July 23 2006, 08:18:36 UTC
Fi remembers everything. She has a freaky memory like that.

So cool that you got the dolphin noise! Very funny!


muldy July 23 2006, 15:25:03 UTC
Heee she got dolphin noise!! But I do not have a freaky memory :P


alyssa22 July 23 2006, 15:44:16 UTC
I know! Dolphin noise is soooo funny!


muldy July 23 2006, 15:24:41 UTC
*squee* ISNT JUSTIN LONG AWESOME!? I had a total crush on him for AAAGES!! I just couldn't believe he was standing there in the hallway taking photos with Obi-Wan & Leia! (and I think he asked them for the pics cos he went up after and was like 'Thanks so much! That was great' or something)

Haha and I only remembered details cos we were all sitting around thinking and then one of us would be like "OH OH OH OH OH!!" and remember something else ;) *squee*


xfkirsten July 23 2006, 22:06:45 UTC
Awwwwww! TOO CUTE!!!

Hey, but at least you've got them recorded! :D


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