Life as it is so called is completely complicated. You think you are doing the right thing one moment and then in the same it is completely what you never wanted to happen. Why does this happen? This twist of fate is nothing but a bitter taste of cruelty in loves name
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so I quit school. I had 5 classes left. I failed 2 of them and was completely over it. I lost all motivation to finish. I have been working full time now and am completely exhausted. I had to do it. I was complete
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My girlfriend told me that I haven't been acting confident enough lately. That I need to realize that having one relationship end and moving forward would and is going to be better for my future. So I started thinking. Do I have a confidence problem? ME? I couldn't imagine that I did. But of course the minute she put this 'idea' in my head I
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if i told you things i did before told you how i used to be would you go along with someone like me if you knew my story word for word handled all of my history would you go along with someone like me
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I want someone to take my pictures. maybe I can get on my knees. I want to self indulge all day long. I want a portrait of myself above my bed. I want to fuck you. Meaningless. I want lip-oh suction on my hips, waist, and thighs. perfection. I want to have a three some with the really cute chick that just passed by- and you. imagination. I want to
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