My girlfriend told me that I haven't been acting confident enough lately. That I need to realize that having one relationship end and moving forward would and is going to be better for my future. So I started thinking. Do I have a confidence problem? ME? I couldn't imagine that I did. But of course the minute she put this 'idea' in my head I couldn't shake it. I was determined to prove to myself that I didn't suffer from any type of confidence issues. That I was happy with my body, and that I would soon date again. She said, Why are you acting so 'shy' around that guy- can't you see the way he looks at you? I was like- no! I had totally lost that eye that you get when your floating about the 'single' world.
Then I was chatting with my friend who told me that they just got laid. I was like, oh my god. I can only imagine how good that would feel right about now. But then I started thinking- was it that I wanted to experience the actual orgasm, touching, feeling, kissing that usually takes place during sex? Or was it just because I was feeling lonely and it would feel good to have someone kiss me, touch me and make me orgasm.
I think I determined that I DON'T have a confidence issue and that I don't just want to have a meaningless 'fuck' but would prefer to have someone make love to me. IF that at all makes any fucking sense. And this might make you laugh. But I don't really feel it necessary to have another 1 night stand. I mean who really likes waking up in someones bed that they have never seen before and then the awkward morning conversation and obligations that come along with the mess you've gotten yourself into as you gain the CONFIDENCE to ask- can I just call a cab?
So I decided in celebration of MY CONFIDENCE and my profound insight into what it is I really want, I threw on these knickers to make me feel a little more confident and possibly desirable, maybe.