
Mar 24, 2013 17:32

I'm not sure what to write about, but I decided at the New Year that I was going to have at least one journal entry within each calendar month of 2013. I am far too stubborn to give up on that so easily and so early in the year ( Read more... )

videogames, personal, thinking out loud, profusion, has comments, ufyh

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Comments 3

elenbarathi March 25 2013, 00:23:03 UTC
Yay, good to see you here again. It's okay to have pre-wedding jitters - it doesn't mean your commitment isn't strong; it's just realization of how major a commitment it really is, and how much work it will require of both of you for the rest of your lives. That's a daunting prospect, no matter how much you truly want it, so some jittering is inevitable ( ... )


msree March 25 2013, 01:33:37 UTC
Thanks. It's always comforting to be validated, especially on something so personal and important as marriage matters ( ... )


elenbarathi March 25 2013, 20:14:26 UTC
Well... it's one thing to get rid of stuff you'll never use, but don't be too merciless with your old books and toys; keep what you love, even if it would have no value to anyone else. Obviously one can't be sentimental about every last grade-school Valentine, but if your Mom has room for it to stay, just pack it up neat and tight, and think about it some other year. Those plastic storage bins that fit under a bed are perfect for storing books.

I've moved all my life - Tennessee to Alaska to California (three different towns) to New Jersey before I was 9, then Pennsylvania at 16, Ohio at 20 - I moved ten times in my first five years there - Washington at 30, and my current house is my ninth in 25 years here. LOL, and I've been badly unsettled every single move; I fuss and flap and have all kinds of difficulties; even after all this practice, it never goes the way I intended ( ... )


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