
Mar 24, 2013 17:32

I'm not sure what to write about, but I decided at the New Year that I was going to have at least one journal entry within each calendar month of 2013. I am far too stubborn to give up on that so easily and so early in the year.

I might give up a few other things, though.

I'm uninstalling that forum I never used. It's eating up over half my allotted space on the server and it's not going to get used anytime soon. I've backed up what little was worth the bother. I still need to check my backups, in case I change my mind later, but I think this is a good decision. Keeps me from splitting my focus, now that my beloved Profusion is going once again. Pro comes first.

The vastness of my video game library-slash-backlog weighs on me. I am sorely tempted to chuck the majority of it into a box, and that box into a trunk, and that trunk into a river or volcano or just get it the fuck away already. I'm not usually like this. I want to figure out why I feel this way before I pitch much, lest I regret and re-buy.

I'm still not too sure what to write about. Perhaps what I really need to to simply shut off the computer, maybe put on some calming music, and get down to the nuts and bolts of what I really want out of life. (And gaming, and internet - but those are just facets of my life anyway. "The universe pretty much covers everything", right?)

At least a little of it is - well, I don't want to call it "pre-wedding jitters", because I am not remotely considering backing out of the wedding or anything of the sort. My fellow is a good 'un, a caring, reliable fellow, and also he is pretty damn hot. No backsies!

What's got me chewing on my lower lip again isn't doubting him or our commitment. It's all the rest of it: places to live are too expensive, I'm going to use up all the hot water just rinsing my long hair and it's going to cause problems, we can't afford to keep all our stuff so what do we get rid of and oh fuck we are on the road to living out of his car with nothing but a hot plate and a hobo bindle!!!!!eleventy-one!

(See, Ree, you type it out and it looks silly, because IT IS SILLY. Bindle. Calm the fuck down; it's okay; you're fine. Bindle. Tsk.)

"Bindle" is fun to say. It sounds as silly as my fears of it are. It's not as fun to repeat as "bunyip" - I can waste ten minutes at a stretch saying nothing but "bunyip" and I kind of wish I were joking, but I'm so not - but then nothing is as fun to say repeatedly as "bunyip".


If we can't afford a place big enough for all our stuff, my mother will almost certainly let us store some things in my old bedroom. I'd been thinking about giving up the old NES anyway; this may be a great time to play a few things one last time before sending them on their merry way.

Bindle bindle bindle. Bunyip.

Yeah, I'm okay. I can do this.

videogames, personal, thinking out loud, profusion, has comments, ufyh

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