I've got a baaaaaad feeling about this...

Nov 26, 2012 19:41

Okay.  I've been looking through screencaps of this season, and I noticed something.
picspam under the cut )

spn meta, red, spn, cracktastic, picspam, meta, it's a perfume!, sneaky writing, sammy

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Comments 33

biketest November 27 2012, 01:56:44 UTC
Very interesting post! I hadn't thought of that at all, but you might be onto something. The part about her name is quite a red flag. I definitely noticed while watching that there was an inordinate amount of door-opening in those flashbacks, and thinking back to the scene where Amelia is waiting for him with the picnic, it could kind of seem like she's luring him in. Hmmm...


msdori November 27 2012, 14:07:54 UTC
Holy crap, yes about that picnic scene. That's pretty much the bottom line of their interaction--he's trying to go somewhere, and there she is, tempting him to stay where he is.


etoile444 November 27 2012, 04:23:09 UTC
I'll be blunt and say some of tour ideas, like her name, are a stretch. But I do agree that something is up. She has female Dean characteristics from Sam' s POV
nam ely heavy drinking, bitchy/ bossy and loss issues. I also agree, there is heavy symbolism that she has him trapped.


msdori November 27 2012, 14:06:21 UTC
Well, as to the name thing, let me just say... Ruby. *G*

In a show where color is important, and red is Very Bad, to the point where Kripke literally gives us a sign that we're to be wary of red things:

... )


tabaqui November 27 2012, 04:38:56 UTC
Innnnnnnteresting. The flashbacks have seemed so very *odd* to me. Either overly perfect and Technicolor (the picnic, and surely Jess got Sam a birthday cake once or twice....) or just strange, with Sam not acting like himself *at all*. Also - the picnic was so very Dean's dream of Lisa, you know? I don't know if she'll turn out to be supernatural or a figment, but there is much more to her/that year than Sam is saying.

Oh! And. The shot of Sam leaving in the very first episode? It seemed to me that they weren't 'together' at all. That that was her bed, her room, and he was just leaving, saying goodbye to the dog or whatever, but....i dunno. It just seemed off, somehow.

I can't wait to learn more!


msdori November 27 2012, 14:11:56 UTC
Yeah, that picnic scene tripped all kinds of alarms for me, and it was definitely a callback to Dean's Lisa dream. Which, incidentally, Sam witnessed...

I agree with you about the Sam leaving scene. And I really want to know who that was watching him go. If it was Crowley, then I'd guess that he has something to do with Amelia. And if it was somebody else, well, yikes.


tabaqui November 27 2012, 17:39:26 UTC
OMG! I totally forgot about the 'watcher'!

Yes - so much more to this than meets the eye.


fourtenpm November 27 2012, 04:39:27 UTC
1st, glad that Amelia really does get a very strong Dean vibe. I am not just seeing things.
2nd, this is probably why all Sam's flashbacks creep me out.


msdori November 27 2012, 14:13:52 UTC
I know what you mean about the flashbacks being creepy. There's always something about them that just feels wrong, in that Pet Sematary kind of way, to me.


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msdori November 27 2012, 14:23:12 UTC
YES. That thing with the dog got off wrong with me from the get-go, and I didn't think that was something a responsible vet would do, either, especially when he said he was just passing through.

I think that dog is a metaphor for Sam, really. Dean's disappearance was a shock and Sam made a point to say that he'd never been that completely alone before, and he didn't handle Dean being gone at all well in "Mystery Spot," when he still had Bobby around; he was pretty much broken then, and when he said his world imploded on him, that makes me think he was even more wounded this time around. And he wasn't really able to take care of himself even as well as he did in "Mystery Spot."


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