Random Post Is Random.

Feb 19, 2011 00:15

So, I was behind the last three eps until last night, and I had some thoughts:

If I have to hear that wheelchair kid sing one more Michael Jackson song, I'm going to beat someone and/or rip my own ears off.  Blasphemy--all of it.

Also, I don't get why Finn can't forgive Rachel for kissing Puck out of irrational jealousy, when Quinn FUCKED PUCK and got knocked up, then lied and tried to tell Finn it was his baby.  Yet the dumbass still wants her back.  How does that make any iota of sense??


And can't any of these people date someone not in their little group?

Quinn's a ho.  Though that can't be news.  I felt the need to point that out since she's presented as not being one or she doesn't think she is one when really, she is.  Maybe that's why she gets knocked up and mono and dumped and stuff, whereas Santana, who owns who she is and has no shame, doesn't.  Well, not for that, anyway.  Sure, she was on the verge of getting her ass kicked before Biest stepped in, but...Actually, I have high hopes for Santana and Lips [I really can't recall that kid's name, and yes, I know that Artie is the one in the wheelchair].  I have no idea why.  I also have no idea why I ship Mercedes/Puck.  OTOH, it'd be nice if someone in that crew could date someone NOT in the Glee Club.

Oh, and it seems that "Fireworks" song is still annoying even if someone with a much better voice sings it.  Though to be fair, Lea Michelle ruined "Hit Me Baby One More Time."

So, I can't get this pairing of Wesley/Kendra out of my head.  I know where the story would start and diverge from canon, but I have no real idea what I would actually have them do, exactly.  Well a little bit, but...Yes, this clearly needs more development on my end, but I strongly feel that this is a story worth telling.  Know what I plan on calling it?  "The One Where Kendra Doesn't Die."  Maybe.  I don't know why I feel so strongly on that, but I'm like 80% on that being the title.  I think this may be because in hindsight how utterly stupid it was for her to have died from a gash on the throat when Buffy had a nice chunk of her throat chomped on and while, didn't bleed all over the place, a good deal of it was sucked away from her.  Then there was Wes himself, who was left to bleed out for hours, cut with an actual blade and...he lived.  Partial inspiration?  Yep.

Also, I kind of feel like writing a one shot of Spandrew.  No, don't ask me why....I don't know, damn it!

But fandom aside, I've gone back to my original screenplay, the first one I ever wrote, and working on summarizing the whole thing to submit it to a comic publishing company.  I wrote issue one and was unsuccessful in my search to find an artist, and then it was pointed out to me, that I don't need one per se to submit the story, which is what I'm going to do.  Hopefully by next week.  It's a story that I believe in and desperately want to tell...and also, there's a part of me who wants to have my own fandom and work the convention circuit as my job.  I don't know how vain or not that is or if that's a low expectation to have as a writer...but that's what I want.  And from there, to get a deal to actually make this thing a film.  Honestly, I don't at present see any other feasible way of getting this made into a movie other than this avenue here.

My goal of LA has been put on hold...mostly because I wouldn't be able to sustain a decent way of life with the money I'm making at my current job while paying rent and crap like that.  Also that awesome part where I have to pay back government loans and credit card bills...right...  So, I'm looking into becoming a teacher's aide, cause hello, pretty green pieces of paper and my own health insurance.  And of course the whole comic thing, which is low on the totem pole of Jill's Hopes and Goals, frankly.

Oh, and for now, I'm keeping my hair au naturel.  And let me tell you, it is a real and true bitch to maintain.  I'm going back to braids soon.


Am I the only one who thinks that "I Am Number Four" should have just been called "Number Four"?

glee, fandom, buffyverse, updates, pictures, random

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