Man of Steel

Jun 30, 2013 16:53

I liked it. It's clearly Superman's 'Year One', in that he has never fought anyone before, never mind people in his own strength range. Combine that with needing to keep focus to avoid his supersenses overwhelming him, is it any wonder that things happen as they do? Megaviolence has consequences, which, while not dwelt on, are not exactly swept ( Read more... )

nerd-fu, up up and away!, sf, movie

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Comments 3

heron61 June 30 2013, 09:07:16 UTC
Lois is really pro-active; but the chemistry between her and Clark was weak, and I don't think the movie passes the Bechdel test.

I agree, but I did love the fact that in addition to being pro-active she was smart and show to be so. This version of the story also did away with the essential ridiculousness of someone who is supposedly a highly skilled and exceedingly observant reporter never realizing who her bumbling partner really was. Instead, she meets Clark once, sets out to find him, does so, and then winks knowingly as Clark the new reporter at the end. That really made me happy.


mrteufel June 30 2013, 09:19:36 UTC
Agreed. And hopefully a shared secret will give the writers scope to fill out their relationship in the next movie.


kryptyd June 30 2013, 12:10:44 UTC
Very few things pass the Bechdel test. Luckily for me I don't like telly and movies.


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