Jun 30, 2013 16:53
I liked it. It's clearly Superman's 'Year One', in that he has never fought anyone before, never mind people in his own strength range. Combine that with needing to keep focus to avoid his supersenses overwhelming him, is it any wonder that things happen as they do? Megaviolence has consequences, which, while not dwelt on, are not exactly swept under the carpet.
I think this is an interesting, humanising take on the character. Both his natural and adopted fathers are blinkered by their own points of view, although Jor-el is smart enough to realise this might be so, leaving the choice to his son. Hmmm.
It's a more sci-fi than comic-fantasy presentation, and as a strong fan of sci-fi, I like it. I think some of what people have said are flaws in the movie are flaws in the character that the events in the movie will cause him to grow beyond.
It was uneven. Lois is really pro-active; but the chemistry between her and Clark was weak, and I don't think the movie passes the Bechdel test. You really bought the relationship between Clark and his mother, though.
up up and away!,