
Jun 14, 2012 22:55

I wonder if the movie was subjected to a studio hack job like Bladerunner was? Some of the scenes just don't seem to follow on properly from each other; the whole thing was somewhat incoherent.

The apparent protagonists are painted as archaeologists, but act more like Von Daniken cultists who lucked onto something that matched their pet theories to ( Read more... )

spooky, sf, cyborg relations, movie

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Comments 7

drhoz June 14 2012, 13:25:49 UTC
that's very dissapointing


mrteufel June 14 2012, 21:53:38 UTC
Yes, very. I'm hoping for a director's cut down the track a la Bladerunner.


ashamel June 14 2012, 14:37:47 UTC
I agree with all of that, although was spared popping planets.


ashamel June 15 2012, 04:04:25 UTC
I agree with most of this too.


mrteufel June 15 2012, 11:26:32 UTC


hafwit June 14 2012, 18:27:13 UTC
Hmm, I'll probably give it a miss then.


mrteufel June 14 2012, 21:57:24 UTC
Oddly enough, it is an interesting film to discuss. You want to try and work out what was intended and what was dysfunctional, and what the actual set-up was about.

Hopefully a directer's cut down the track will make things clearer.


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