Title: Masks and Mirrors
MrsTaterRating: R
Summary: As Remus and Tonks rebuild their relationship, a dangerous Order mission only she can undertake dredges up the same old problems -- as well as an entirely new set when the family she was born into clashes with the family she has made for herself within the Order of the Phoenix.
1. Homecoming
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Comments 22
That is so awesome! I was (and am) on the edge of my seat the entire time. Holy cow! You're amazing at action/adventure! - Which, you're amazing at everything, so go figure, but I thought I'd specify. :)
I love all the romance in this, too. I'm really enjoying how everything she feels for him is sort of being re-discovered and re-defined and deepened; experiencing that with her, because you're very good at that, is a real thrill - of the warm, fuzzy, and tingly variety.
I adore the banter between them; there were so many great quotes. In them you captured the, imo, very essence of Remus & Tonks as it is lighthearted and funny yet carries deeper meanings and speaks to the love between them. Woot! for the Spiderman position! Though this was my favorite smooch:
At the risk of being the cause her own spiralling plunge from her broomstick, Tonks leant toward him, catching his face between her hands, and kissed him hard.^_______ ( ... )
Tonks insecurities - this was the crux of the entire story. And its wonderful that Remus knows her better than she knows herself - or cares to admit. You've given Tonks' character a new dimension here - that of the little girl who still wants to be the best, all her faults notwithstanding. And I can see this little desire as the driving force behind her spirited character. I love how you've drawn parallels with Tonks not making it as prefect and not making it as Remus' love the previous year.This was my main goal with the chapter. Remus and Tonks are rebuilding themselves as individuals, as well as a couple, and at the root lay deep insecurities that hadn't been touched before the breakup, but which were at the root of all the pain. I think at this point they are emotionally very attuned to each others' inner selves as they work ( ... )
It sounds like the Remus and Tonks in thie story really need to sort out their issues over going on missions together (assuming Tonks survives this) because she's behaving in a rather un-Auror like manner here, even if Remus is being annoying.
The broom flight seemed to go on for quite a while, and I'm not sure the romantic interludes added much here. Not a too specific comment, more just a vague impression on how it was for me? Perhaps it was because it felt like a bridging scene when it started out and then turned out to be most of the chapter?
sounds like the Remus and Tonks in thie story really need to sort out their issues over going on missions together (assuming Tonks survives this) because she's behaving in a rather un-Auror like manner here, even if Remus is being annoying.As I mentioned in some above comments, my take on post-HBP R/T is that they've pretty much got to start over from scratch. There's so much damage done to their relationship, even though they've committed to fix it, and are making real strides toward fixing it, the insecurities unearthed through that breakup and the other events of that year affected every aspect of their lives. And here it's a case of Tonks being very acutely aware of places she's fallen short in her own eyes in the past, and while Remus has made her feel more secure of where she stands with him romantically, their professional relationship is a whole other ball of wax. Which shall be a major theme in upcoming chapters ( ... )
And the way you're going with Order-related tension between them rings very true, IMO. Remus has more experience, but Tonks has professional qualifications, and they're going to have to figure out how to work together at the same time they're trying to straighten out their personal life ( ... )
I'm loving how you made Remus so confident on the broom. James and Sirius always got most of the press in regards to athleticism but there's no reason Remus can't hold his own in that department. Can we talk about sexy? The hanging upside down kiss has got to be one of the best R/T visuals I'll have the pleasure of imagining over and over.
If Remus, as Order leader is going to have to send Tonks on a dangerous mission, I can see how this episode might affect his decision. Tonks is an extremely capable Auror but does let her emotions carry her away at times. She's stubborn as well and it almost proves her undoing when she doesn't take Remus' advice. I know Remus is not one to say "I told you so" but he would certainly be within his rights to do so when she wakes up.
Very exciting, action filled chapter.Thanks!
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