Title: Masks and Mirrors
MrsTaterRating: R
Summary: As Remus and Tonks rebuild their relationship, a dangerous Order mission only she can undertake dredges up the same old problems -- as well as an entirely new set when the family she was born into clashes with the family she has made for herself within the Order of the Phoenix.
1. Homecoming
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That is so awesome! I was (and am) on the edge of my seat the entire time. Holy cow! You're amazing at action/adventure! - Which, you're amazing at everything, so go figure, but I thought I'd specify. :)
I love all the romance in this, too. I'm really enjoying how everything she feels for him is sort of being re-discovered and re-defined and deepened; experiencing that with her, because you're very good at that, is a real thrill - of the warm, fuzzy, and tingly variety.
I adore the banter between them; there were so many great quotes. In them you captured the, imo, very essence of Remus & Tonks as it is lighthearted and funny yet carries deeper meanings and speaks to the love between them. Woot! for the Spiderman position! Though this was my favorite smooch:
At the risk of being the cause her own spiralling plunge from her broomstick, Tonks leant toward him, catching his face between her hands, and kissed him hard.
I particularly enjoyed the contemplation over Sirius, and her memories of him and her perspective of his and Remus' friendship.
This part made me want to go back to the begining and read it all over again:
How long ago that seemed, when meeting The Boy Who Lived had been such a grand adventure, and the encroaching war had sometimes troubled Tonks far less than whether Remus returned her more-than-platonic feelings.
I suddenly had the urge to break out "Think Too Much" and... "Interview With a Skeeter," for some reason. It was such a happier and more carefree time, and you can really feel that. Namely, it reminded me of so many parts in the books where JKR makes similar statements that make you long for the warmth and cheer of happier Hogwarts days before things started to darken in GoF. It really resonated with the canon feel of the books when I read it, and that is quite an achievement. :)
"The One With No Balance" made me die for some reason. XD
Annnnd I found two minor grammatical mishaps that I thought you might like to know about:
She gasped -- and at once their taught lips gave way and melted together.
If she hadn't the presence of mind before to glare before, she certainly hadn't now.
I loved the chapter and can't wait for the next one! - And apologies for not reviewing the last one; I did read it as soon as you posted it. I just had no time to review afterwards... and then I got lazy. XD
Pleased you liked the romance as well. I thought it was really important to spend a bit of time on them in this chapter, since they've been separated for five days, and had some pretty significant issues arise in the meantime. What better way to spend a 30-40 minute flight than talking and teasing and getting back to yourselves again? Rediscovery is very key in this fic, so I'm pleased you felt that not only stood out, but worked at this particular point in the story. They've both had such a horrible, horrible year. I think in a way, even though they're engaged now, it's all about starting anew and allowing themselves to be impulsive and young again. Particularly Remus, because I think he's on the same course as Harry, and going through a sort of coming of age himself -- or at least of coming into his own.
Which brings me to what you said about the Sirius background; I think understanding Remus' past is essential to Tonks' understanding of him now. She wasn't a part of it, so it's harder for her. But she's now in that same role in his life that his friends were to him. She's got to see how to support him in a way he responds to, and I think reflecting on Sirius is key. So pleased you liked the tie in.
Really, I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful comments. It's such a compliment to know you found so much in this chapter. (And a Spiderman kiss, too!)
I'll try to not leave this cliffie too long!
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