This Is Matrix Life - Matrix Trilogy Video

May 22, 2008 00:25

Fandom: The Matrix Trilogy
Music: “This Is Your Life” by The Dust Brothers feat. Tyler Durden

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TIML from Mister A on Vimeo.

Password: vidsareawsm

Description: After more than a year, the spiritual sequel to The Burly Man is finally done. It’s taken this long not because its more effects heavy than my usual offerings, but because of system reformats, general laziness, gaming distractions and some real life issues thrown in for good measure.

But one good thing about it taking so long is that I’m 100% happy with every single shot & edit which rarely ever happens. I can watch this one over & over without getting bored. Apart from the tedium of having to rebuild 80% of what I had from scratch, it was a whole lot of fun to edit. If I had to describe “T.I.M.L.” it would be action-sarcasm - but if you’ve got a more apt summation of it, I’d love to hear it.

I’ve been wanting to make another Matrix vid for a while now (esp. seeing as it’s been 4 years since Burly Man) & when I heard this song I knew instantly it would be perfect for what I wanted to do. Agent Smith gets the lip-sync-love this time around towards the end of the vid, and it’s actually my favourite part of the video. There are also a lot of shots you don’t normally see in a matrix vid, so that kind of gives it its own identity & sets it apart from the norm.


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