Vid watching/making habits

Jun 07, 2008 17:26

I submitted Matrix Life to the Nearly New section of VividCon before the deadline & its gone down fairly well which is always nice. In fact its gone down exceptionally well with leucocrystal who produced this amazing rec post, complete with graphic! Very flattering!

Ive always been a firm believer that like movies, fan vids often have three distinct acts - the beggining, the body & the end.

I think the way I cut my own is often the way I am as a vid watcher, the strongest parts always being the beginning & the end. The philosophy behind it is simple: you capture interest within the first 30 seconds with something innovative/cool/funny/etc (BEGINNING) & then leave them with a good feeling when the video finishes (THE END). I think Ive managed to follow that mantra fairly well in all of my own stuff - which isn't to say Ive gone to sleep or gotten lazy in the middle - but that my beginnings & endings are always the strongest sections if you look at them as a whole. Music choice is a often a bit part of this - I tend to use music which has a definitive end as oppossed to a trail off/fade out, it helps with generating that good feeling at the ending IMO.

As a watcher though I probably put the most importance on the beginning. If you haven't captured my interest at the start, then the chances of me tuning out & turning off after 30 seconds rapidly accelerate to 1 in 1. I don't think one should ever save their mind blowing best until the end without offering at least a decent glimspe of something great early on. Saving your A-game right before the final siren might work in a sporting competition, but if you try this in a vid, then you won't see me in the stands when the video ends.

Even if you are a just a watcher I'd be happy to hear your thoughts on what constitutes a good vid - even if its the complete opposite. Differences are good things...maybe the best of things.
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