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Comments 132

milly May 21 2008, 15:02:10 UTC
This is *stunning*. It really, really is. It's just perfect in every single way (and the ending made me scream 'Genius!' and clap!).

I love how much it shows your awareness of every single detail of the music. You really have a gift for that, and in a song where the words are so dominant over the music, it would have been easy to let it slip by moment in favor of illustrating what's being said, but you never ever this.

Again, I really love it.


mranderson71 May 25 2008, 03:58:25 UTC
First cab off the rank! Thanks for watching & commenting, Millz. :)

I must have listened to this track for a few months before I actually edited any footage. So yeah, I knew it by heart when I started ripping footage!

I dunno about genius, but I am pleased the ending made you clap! I wonder how many people actually predicted what the ending might have been after my spoiler thing...


Perfect vid azertynin March 25 2009, 21:37:05 UTC
I love your fanvid. Your editing is fantastic. It has been deleted on youtube and imeem. I'm afraid it will be deleted on vimeo too. Can you send me a link to download it ? I will be sad to not watch again and again your awesome vid ! Thank you.


Re: Perfect vid azertynin March 25 2009, 21:40:42 UTC
I forgot an important information : azertynin@hotmail.com



bunnythenavia May 21 2008, 15:57:43 UTC
Wow! This is perfect!



mranderson71 May 25 2008, 03:59:15 UTC
Hey thanks, Zohar! Hope it put a smile on your dial. :)


sockkpuppett May 21 2008, 16:03:38 UTC
Excellent! I felt physically *pulled* along by the imagery. I love how you skirted literalism throughout the vid (because that's what I like to do, and I know how thin that tightrope is). The effects were noticeable to me because I'm an effect junkie, but they dovetailed seamlessly into the images/narrative. I especially liked your waterdrops, an old favorite of mine. Also, the end. Being as cryptic as possible *g*, considering the music, it was *perfect*. BRAVO


mranderson71 May 25 2008, 04:10:46 UTC
Thanks Lum & here I was thinking I was stepping on the throat of literalism with this vid! But I know what you mean though, the vids that can skirt that fine line are often the most captivating for me personally as well. The water ripple effect just screamed "Use Me!" at that particular point & was both relevant to Neo's character & the texture' of the sound it accompanies.

Im not a big effect user - and I use them sparingly, they should always serve the storytelling & not the other way round. Everything I need for a vid is usually within the frame itself, Im not one to shout "Behold my effects-penis! Marvel in all its glory!". Plus they can be time-consuming & thats the last thing I want from something that I want for a hobby. That said, I am actually planning to go fairly heavy on effects for the Dexter vid Ive been planning. Talk about hypocrisy!


vchrusch May 21 2008, 16:21:25 UTC
That was simply stunning. Brilliant work!


mranderson71 May 25 2008, 04:11:52 UTC
Cheers! Glad you enjoyed it! :)


I want you to hit me as hard as you can kiki_miserychic May 21 2008, 16:49:38 UTC
Great concept and realization. The mood is so odd, yet you struck it right on. The somewhat literal interpretations of the lyrics were quirky in a good way and there's still another layer underneath what the lyrics proclaim. The music cues are used so well with the effects and timing. The jumpcuts and added effects are amazing. The pacing is jittery and off in a perfect way. I can't get over your editing choices, like Smith's face in the kitchen.


Re: I want you to hit me as hard as you can mranderson71 May 25 2008, 04:17:55 UTC
Thanks for leaving a comment on your thoughts, Kiki! I do often don the Captain Obvious cape when it comes to lyrics in my songs. :)

The pacing is jittery and off in a perfect way.

I do like that you picked this up - a prime example is the "unique snowflake" bit. I was tempted to jump cut or move that shot of Smith, but it just seemed better to leave the static shot it as it was.


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