Friday, Neptune Grand Hotel pool, 6pm

Aug 15, 2008 18:53

The pool was lit up with green Japanese lanterns and green-and-red chili pepper lights. Chips and small hors' doevres were laid out at tables, with waiters and bartenders standing by. The sound system was blasting upbeat party music.

Small signs saying 'PRIVATE PARTY' were tacked up at the entrances.

Time for the bachelor parties!

[ooc: Wedding party & dates, Piper & Veronica & their dates, Logan and Angel and the grooms invited. Assume either Logan or Parker texted, e-mailed, or slipped a note under your hotel room door.]

OCD going up!

bridge, strippers, anders, sokka, samw, dawn, piper, bachlor party!, lindsey, parker, bel, logan, veronica, xander, willow, tori, z, mel

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