Islington, London, England, 7pm GMT

Jun 23, 2008 19:38

Parker's summer job started today. Considering it was just a more intense version of her usual part-time job, without having to be in school, it really wasn't that bad.

Her new digs still need some work, though.

Time to take a break from unpacking and call people for distraction. Unlike last time, when she was calling to be talked down off the ( Read more... )

xander, anders, london, bridge, isabel, zero, phone calls

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izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 01:59:30 UTC
Isabel was in the midst of packing up various knick knacks around the room. She wasn't avoiding thinking about the weekend. It needed to be done.




izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 03:00:00 UTC
"No. It's completely understandable," she said. "Although I think the phone calls are going to be a lot more mundane."


mparkerceo June 24 2008, 03:01:55 UTC
"I am so okay with that, I have no words for it in any language," Parker told her. "I'll be really relieved the day Ronan graduates and the last of our friends is back to their own realities and lives." She sighed. "So, yeah. You're going to call me from the road, right? You're taking the car back to Roswell?"


izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 03:08:17 UTC
"We are. I've mapped out a route that lets us check out some of the places that are featured on the Food Network," Isabel said, just a touch proudly. "I figure at least we'll eat well." Relatively speaking.


mparkerceo June 24 2008, 03:21:37 UTC
"That'll be fun. Nice and lazy progress across the U.S. Meanwhile, I'm back to working full-time throughout this month and into the next, with a break for Burning Man in August. When do you start at Las Vegas?"


izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 03:22:45 UTC
Isabel grumbled. "First day of classes is the 25th. So it looks like I'll have to miss a day or two. But Wyatt will get me there for the weekend at least."

"Do you have to deal with annoying guy again?"


mparkerceo June 24 2008, 03:25:16 UTC
"Cooool. I really want you to see the dancing and skydiving," Parker told her, then got up to pace, picking up a box and setting it down with a bang. "Yes. Lyle. In fact, I think I may have to... arrange something for him."


izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 03:28:11 UTC
"Dancing yes. Skydiving? Oh hell no," she replied. "What'd he do this time?"


mparkerceo June 24 2008, 03:30:10 UTC
"He's getting too nosey. That's *my* job," Parker complained. "I was pretty sure he knew I was that Miss Parker, now I know for sure, and he's been hinting about it to other people. Plus, Angelo caught someone trying to hack *my* files, and if he could catch them? It wasn't Jarod." She growled under her breath. "What do you think, Johannesburg or Kamchatka? 'Cause he's not staying in London. If I can't get him fired outright, he's not staying *here*."


izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 03:33:43 UTC
"How about Moscow? Or Rome? Some place where it wouldn't obviously seem like a punishment," Isabel pointed out. "Subtlety is better then outright gloating."


mparkerceo June 24 2008, 03:37:32 UTC
"Mmmmm. Moscow, too much access... although. Heh. I could have Casimir mess with him, if he were there," she said thoughtfully. "Or the cops in Rome. Oooo. Okay, valid point. Subtlety, along with contacts."


izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 13:55:11 UTC
"Yup. It's a reward. Really. Too bad his life will go to hell," she laughed. "And he'll never be able to prove it's you."


mparkerceo June 24 2008, 14:48:42 UTC
"It is! Too bad he's incapable of appreciating my largesse," Parker said cheerfully. "And you have to come visit again. I'm on my own here until mid-October, that's way too long." To be completely alone. Although really, she's just going to have to get used to it. This is what her life's going to be like, once she graduates.


izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 23:10:13 UTC
"I'll see what I can do. If the guys can spare me for a bit, I'll see if I can spend a long weekend or something." But only after she'd spent some quality time with Max and Michael. It had been way too long since they'd been able to just be, without any alien angst or other worries.


mparkerceo June 24 2008, 23:14:40 UTC
"That'll be cool. Okay. Try to survive the next week? And call me when you get on the road. I expect photos from the road trip." Parker smiled and kicked another box out of her way. "I have to call Bridge and Xander and give them hell now."


izzyalienqueen June 24 2008, 23:25:36 UTC
"I plan on keeping my head down," Isabel promised. "First sign of trouble, I'm grabbing the boyfriend and the cat and getting the hell out of Dodge."

"Oh come on. It was funny."


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