Phone Messages for Parker / E-mail

Sep 13, 2005 21:20



phone messages

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izzyalienqueen June 16 2008, 22:23:42 UTC
Eventually Isabel did return Parker's call from the day before.

It's quite possible she'd be joining Bridge and Xander in hell.

*ring* *ring*


mparkerceo June 16 2008, 23:14:55 UTC
"Finally!" Parker grabbed the phone on the second ring, and demanded, "Do you believe this?"


izzyalienqueen June 16 2008, 23:21:51 UTC
"Believe what?" she asked. "What's going on?"


mparkerceo June 16 2008, 23:25:52 UTC
"Hello! Bridge and Xander not being together any more! I thought you knew. Bridge said-- oh, never mind. Listen. I have a plan. Vegas. That'll work, right?"


izzyalienqueen June 17 2008, 00:03:52 UTC
"Oh, that, yeah," Isabel said with a sigh. "It was unexpected."


mparkerceo June 17 2008, 00:04:44 UTC
"Do you even know why? They both sounded really anxious. Like they didn't want it to happen. Soooo...."


izzyalienqueen June 17 2008, 00:06:25 UTC
Going to hell, going to hell, going to hell...

"I think it was for the usual reasons."


mparkerceo June 17 2008, 00:09:55 UTC
Parker paused, hearing something in Isabel's voice, but totally failing to identify it. "The usual reasons? What the hell does that mean? Neither of them are control-freaking secret-keeping liars with a vengeful streak, so that lets out every reason I've ever broken up with someone, and it's not like they just got *bored* with each other, so? So? Tell me!"


izzyalienqueen June 17 2008, 00:14:03 UTC
"There are more mundane reasons to break up with someone," Isabel pointed out. Yes, that's not answering the question.


mparkerceo June 17 2008, 00:59:19 UTC
"Isabel! Come on! I'm not there, you are, tell meeeee!"

Parker was about ready to get on that plane to Vegas at this point, with a stopover wherever the heck they were.


izzyalienqueen June 17 2008, 01:05:53 UTC
"What's there to tell? They're not boyfriends any more," she said. "That's the important part."

Isabel wasn't sure she'd be able to keep this up much longer. She had to bite the inside of her lip to keep from giggling.


mparkerceo June 17 2008, 02:27:25 UTC
"You are totally holding out, avoid and evading. Which is not acceptable. I am getting on the next Portal to Fandom if you don't pony up with the info, Evans!"


izzyalienqueen June 17 2008, 02:40:37 UTC
It would be fun to have Parker come in for an impromptu visit. But then Isabel remembered that she usually carried weapons.

"What info? I have no clue what you're talking about!!!"

The giggles were probably a good sign that something was up.


mparkerceo June 17 2008, 02:45:57 UTC
"ISABEL!" Parker's howls were definitely audible out in the quad by now. "WHAT IS SO FUNNY!?"


izzyalienqueen June 17 2008, 02:49:27 UTC
She was dead Isabel realized, wondering if she'd have enough time to write Wyatt a good-bye letter before Parker turned up to kill her.

"The reason," she said between giggles. "That Xander and Bridge aren't boyfriends anymore is because there was a ring. And a question. And an answer."

She didn't say what the answer was.


mparkerceo June 17 2008, 02:54:16 UTC
"There was a... wait. Wait. One. Minute."

Ten seconds to process why Isabel's giggling, plus change-in-status, plus ohmigod yay! plus...

"Oh, oh, Oh, they are gonna be so sorry after I get done congratulating them, those little...."


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