Pixie Cabin steps, Sunday

May 20, 2007 00:56

The last good-byes before today had been said: Sam, and Kawalsky, off on their roadtrip, and Angela, back in Pittsburgh by now. She'd teased Johnny Storm, gone to the Spa with Isabel, and attended Friday night's luau, including hugging Constable Fraser, talking with Xander and Bridge as a ferret again, meeting Robin the frog, plotting with Zero, ( Read more... )

bridge, rory, stark, zero, d'anna, karal, professor roslin, so long fandom, buffy, bel, billy, phoebe, pixie, isabel, crichton, chris, xander, daisy, wilson, jaye, aeryn

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Re: Late afternoon izzyalienqueen May 20 2007, 22:14:12 UTC
"So," Isabel said, slowly wandering over. "Ready to hit the road?"


Re: Late afternoon mparkerceo May 20 2007, 22:17:19 UTC
"As ready as it gets, I think," Parker said, petting a dozing Esme. "It's not getting any easier to go."


Re: Late afternoon izzyalienqueen May 20 2007, 22:22:33 UTC
"And once again, staying just isn't an option," she sighed. "Well I'll see you in a bit over month one way or another."


Re: Late afternoon mparkerceo May 20 2007, 22:26:05 UTC
"Definitely. I'll be back in the states, and if I'm in Blue Cove or in D.C., you're getting a call to come meet me." Parker's lips quirked as she studied Isabel, and for the first time it really sank in, that she wouldn't see her again in just a day or so. "Damnitall."


Re: Late afternoon izzyalienqueen May 20 2007, 22:33:03 UTC
Isabel nodded, "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up nicely." She held out a bag for Parker containing a small box and a slightly larger box. When Parker pulled out the smaller box, Isabel couldn't help herself. "I know it's not something you'd ever wear. But just...I had to."


Re: Late afternoon mparkerceo May 20 2007, 22:37:47 UTC
Parker opened it, and shook her head, smiling, eyes tearing up. After a minute she got her voice back, and said, "You're right, it's not me, but... I might wear it. Sometimes. Just to remind myself." She swallowed hard, blinking, then opened the other box, smiling without tears. "Nice. God, you always have the best taste in this stuff." She rubbed at her eyes with the back of her wrist. "Why did I even put on mascara today?"


Re: Late afternoon izzyalienqueen May 20 2007, 22:46:01 UTC
"Google is my friend," she shrugged, trying and pretty much failing for casual. "I search, I find, I bookmark for future occasions. And you're wearing mascara because you are always perfectly put together and you'll never have to worry about the fashion police." Isabel had wisely chosen to not wear make-up today. Call the fashion police.


Re: Late afternoon mparkerceo May 20 2007, 22:48:55 UTC
Parker traced the edge of her eyes with a fingertip, then nodded. "This stuff is not waterproof," she grumbled. "They so lie." She took a breath, then handed over a tiny box from her purse. "Since I couldn't get you a real one."


Re: Late afternoon izzyalienqueen May 20 2007, 23:02:59 UTC
Isabel opened the box and had to laugh. "Oh I love it. It's just perfect. And stylish. Very, very stylish."


Re: Late afternoon mparkerceo May 20 2007, 23:10:35 UTC
"I thought so. Platinum's timeless." She grinned at Isabel, and said, "You can show it to that mother of your friend, see if she wants to carry them at her shop in Roswell." Parker sighed, and said, "Okay. So. The lj and the IM handle are both versaceforever. I'm going to be in touch really damn soon."


Re: Late afternoon izzyalienqueen May 20 2007, 23:15:13 UTC
"It would be something for the more upscale tourists," she nodded. "Amy will love it."

"Versaceforever, got it. I'll be keeping in touch, have to fill you in on all the happenings around here. You know, so you don't miss anything." Isabel tried to look innocent but she wouldn't/couldn't quite meet Parker's gaze when she said that.


Re: Late afternoon mparkerceo May 20 2007, 23:20:44 UTC
"Oh reeeeeally," Parker said, eyes narrowing as she studied Isabel, and a smile widening for real this time. "Anything you want to tell me before I go? Hmm?"


Re: Late afternoon izzyalienqueen May 20 2007, 23:23:25 UTC
"Oh come on, like you didn't hear radio," Isabel mock glared. "You're going to be downloading podcasts in Moscow."

"We're going bowling Tuesday night."


Re: Late afternoon mparkerceo May 20 2007, 23:26:10 UTC
"Yes, but it's not the same if you don't tell me!" Parker said, looking gleeful. "And yes! Yay! I know Jack already warned him, but should I be sending him e-mails about what kind of chocolates you like, and your favorite foods? Does he know about the Tabasco thing?"


Re: Late afternoon izzyalienqueen May 20 2007, 23:29:34 UTC
"No, no, and yes, I think so," she said. "Do not get too excited. We're just going bowling. That's it. Seriously."


Re: Late afternoon mparkerceo May 20 2007, 23:37:30 UTC
Parker gave her an innocent look and widened her eyes. "Would I blow something out of all proportion?" Then grinned. "It's a start. That's all it has to be."


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