[Kink Meme Deanon] The Kid: Chapter 7/24

Mar 22, 2011 19:17

Title: The Kid 
Author/Artist: MoyaKite
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Mainly Prussia, Germany, and Freddy (little kid!OC), but almost everyone could end up in here eventually.
Rating: G (thus far)
Warnings: Fluff, discussions of mortality, potential for future character death
Summary: Deanon from the kink meme for the prompt:
Prussia, being a dad - After the unification of Germany, Prussia was left without much to do. Germany took care of all the official work, so all Prussia could do what get drunk or bother people. One day he decides to go backpacking across the country, and somehow through his adventures he ends up with custody of a small child (2 at the youngest, 5-ish at the oldest, and I would prefer that the kid was a boy too).
Anon would like something sweet and fluffy, where Prussia is actually a pretty awesome dad to this kid, even though nobody expects him to be good at it.
Bonus: All of the other nations think he will break the poor kid or something, so they try to intervene, but it turns out that Prussia is actually a better parent than them.
Bonus 2: The kid grows up and develops a crush on one of the nations, which gets blown out of proportion by daddy!Prussia trying to protect his little angel.
Author's Notes: The original is here. I'm extremely fond of this story, so it's likely to continue as long as people keep showing interest. The more comments I get, the quicker I'll update.

It was bright and sunny outside-a perfect day for mid-April. It was still lingering at around forty degrees, though, so he bundled Freddy up for the day. Freddy's blue eyes peeked out from under his hat, reminding Prussia suddenly of Germany at his age. Prussia shook his head.

“Up?” Prussia asked, but Freddy shook his head and grabbed Prussia's hand.

Together they strolled down the street. Their house was out in the country; the dogs and Germany could all get enough exercise running around the fields, but the dirt road was wearing Freddy out. Even so, he stubbornly kept walking alongside Prussia, sometimes standing on tiptoe to try to see over the next hill.

“Not too much farther,” Prussia said. He'd built a playground for the farm kids in the area a while back; it was Freddy's first visit to it. Freddy stumbled, and Prussia offered him his other hand. “Up?”

This time, Freddy nodded.

“Fly!” Freddy said, throwing his arms outward. “Papa, fly!”

“Gotcha!” Prussia said, stooping down to let Freddy clamor up onto his shoulders. “Away we go!” Prussia shouted, leaping forward. “Hang on tight!”

Freddy shrieked with delight as Prussia raced over the hill.

“Faster, Papa!” Freddy begged, and Prussia strained, remembering times when he'd nearly flown, his legs had carried him so quickly-but the human-feeling was growing familiar to him, and he knew in his heart that he'd never run that fast again. “Faster, Papa!” Freddy pleaded again, and Prussia found it in him to run a little harder, a little faster, even though his lungs burned and ached for lack of oxygen. “Love you, Papa!” Freddy shrieked, and Prussia felt his heart skip a beat-he whooped, leaping into the air as he came over the final hill, and Freddy laughed so hard that he nearly let go.

Prussia slowly came to a halt, his body screaming at him. He dropped to his knees and let Freddy slide off of his back before pulling him in for a hug, kissing his forehead.

“Love you, too, Freddy,” Prussia panted, ruffling Freddy's hair. Freddy kissed Prussia's forehead in return, clearly delighted.

“Love love love, Papa!” Freddy sang, jumping up and down. Prussia saw the playground anew as Freddy examined it-the monkey bars, the swing set, the seesaw, the jungle gym, the little merry-go-round that could be spun at alarming speeds-and suddenly he was grinning again.

“Swings,” Prussia said, pointing at them.

“Swig?” Freddy asked.

“Swings,” Prussia repeated carefully. Freddy nodded slowly.

“Swings,” he said, drawing the word out. Prussia gave him a thumbs up and a high five, and suddenly Freddy was sprinting toward the swing set. “Swings!” Freddy shouted, grabbing one of the swings and rattling its chain. “Swings, Papa!”

“That's right!” Prussia jogged after him and set him in the little-kid swing, the one that he wouldn't fall out of. Freddy twisted around to look at Prussia, who quickly shoved the swing. Freddy gasped, then whooped.

“Swings!” he shouted at the sky.

“Do you want to go higher?” Prussia asked.

“Higher!” Freddy repeated, giggling. Prussia pushed the swing harder, even though his shoulders were stiff from carrying Freddy, and his legs were as weak as water. The human-feeling was pervasive, and yet-and yet it was kind of exhilarating to reach his limits, to push through them. To know that this was the only chance that he had to do things right. Was this how his people had felt every day of their lives? Prussia shoved the swing again, smiling so hard that his cheeks hurt-a sensation that was new and scary and maybe a little awesome. So happy that it hurt.

“Higher, Papa!” Freddy laughed, throwing his hands in the air. “Awesome papa!”

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be a human, after all.

Prussia flopped down onto the couch, using the arm as a pillow, exhaustion seeping deep down into his bones through the aching layers of muscle. Freddy curled up on Prussia's chest, just heavy enough to make it hard to breathe. Prussia was too tired to move him, so he patted the back of his head instead.

“Did you have fun, Freddy?” Prussia asked. Freddy nodded sleepily, digging his hands into Prussia's sweater. “I guess you need a nap, huh?”

Freddy grunted, and Prussia realized that Freddy was going to be too tuckered out to get himself to bed. Prussia closed his eyes for a moment, then gritted his teeth and hefted Freddy upward, staggering to his feet.

“Let's get you to bed, kiddo,” Prussia smiled, ignoring the ache in his arms. He remembered a time that he'd marched on foot for days, carrying provisions and weapons and a bedroll on his back. The trek to the bedroom was longer and more tiring.

“Papa?” Freddy mumbled as Prussia changed him into his pajamas. Prussia recognized the request-Freddy needed to use the bathroom. Prussia sighed, then carried him there and made sure that he didn't fall off the toilet in his exhaustion, then cleaned him up and dressed him again in his pajamas. “Wanna fly,” Freddy mumbled into Prussia's neck. A smile tugged at the corner of Prussia's lip. At the edge of the bed, Prussia stopped and took a moment to shore up his strength.

“Ready?” Prussia asked.

“Yeah!” Freddy said. “Fly!”

“Then away you go!” Prussia said, using the last of his energy to toss Freddy onto the bed. Freddy giggled sleepily, and Prussia glanced at the clock-three o'clock on the dot. “All set?” Prussia asked, collapsing onto and then sinking into the bedside easy chair as he tucked Freddy in. Freddy shook his head.

“Story,” Freddy said softly. “Song.”

New words were a powerful incentive; Prussia slouched onto the bed, pillowing his head on his arms.

“Once upon a time,” Prussia began, looking over to meet Freddy's sleepy gaze, “there was an awesome little boy named Freddy.”

“Awesome me,” Freddy mumbled, smiling and closing his eyes. Prussia grinned.

“He was everyone's favorite,” Prussia said, his own eyes slipping closed. He yawned, and Freddy yawned back. “Everybody in the whole world loved him.”

Freddy grunted again, and Prussia knew what he was saying: what did he do?

“Freddy could swing as high as the sky and run eighty million times around the playground,” Prussia continued. “He could talk and run like a pro. So one day, he decided he was going to...” Prussia trailed off, realizing dimly that he was drooling on his own arm. Freddy made an inquisitive sound and he started again. “He was going to save the world,” Prussia said, then added, “From England's fish and chips.”

“Yuck,” Freddy said. Prussia laughed; he'd mentioned English food before.

“So Freddy made a huuuge batch of his very best pancakes,” Prussia said. “He made enough for everyone in the whole world to eat some. So everybody lived happily ever after. The end.”

“Song,” Freddy mumbled. Prussia laughed.

“Okay, okay,” Prussia said. He thought he heard a creak in the hallway, but chalked it up to the house settling. He cleared his throat. “Hush little Freddy, don't say a word,” Prussia began, a bit disappointed that there was so little energy and volume in his voice. A glance at Freddy indicated that it was all right, though, so he closed his eyes and continued, trying to remember how the song went. “Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, Papa's gonna go and make you king.” The exhaustion seeped into his muscles again as the human-feeling spread; his fingers fell asleep. Was that the right line? “And if the job gets kind of lame, Papa's gonna find you a real nice dame.” Yeah, that wasn't right. Prussia frowned. “Uh, and if you want to fly away, Papa's gonna take you to Pompei.” Wait, they'd rebuilt Pompei, right? Shoot. Prussia tried to push himself up and found that he couldn't. Ah well. Time to wrap it up. “But if you're ever feeling blue, just remember that I love you.”

Prussia listened to Freddy's low, even breathing as he drifted off to sleep himself. He was just barely awake when someone gently draped a blanket over his shoulders.

“Finally got to hear the end of the song, huh, West?” Prussia murmured, grinning. Germany froze, and Prussia chuckled softly. “Don't worry,” Prussia mumbled. “You're still my favorite little brother.”

If Germany replied, Prussia didn't hear it; he was out like a light.

((I do definitely plan on finishing this, and I think it's going to be continuing on for quite a while; I'm prone to updating when I get five or six comments, since I'm a... Well, I'm a sucker for comments. So please let me know what you think! Updates won't necessarily be this long, but I'll probably try to consolidate the chapters into as few journal entries as possible, like this section here.))

I'm deanoning this to let people know that I'm auctioning off a fanfiction commission  here. Please take a look if you're interested; there are also many other writers participating at help_japan. I'm also offering a translation here, and abarero has kindly organized a list of Hetalia-related offers here.

Chapter Guide: ( Ch. 1) ( Ch. 2) ( Ch. 3) ( Ch. 4) ( Ch. 5) ( Ch. 6) ( Ch. 7) ( Ch. 8) ( Ch. 9) ( Ch. 10) ( Ch. 11) ( Ch. 12) ( Ch. 13) ( Ch. 14) ( Ch. 15) ( Ch. 16) ( Ch. 17) ( Ch. 18) ( Ch. 19) ( Ch. 20) ( Ch. 21) ( Ch. 22) ( Ch. 23) ( Ch. 24)

c: germany, c: america, c: oc, for: kink meme (deanon), c: ensemble, c: france, c: spain, c: canada, type: fanfiction, chapterfic: the kid, c: prussia, fandom: hetalia

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