Summary: Beyond the North Wind

Jun 09, 2006 09:25

Since March, when Bran Davies wrote a letter to his father Arthur Pendragon, a series of letters and messages has been passing back and forth between Milliways and the kingdom beyond the North Wind. The time has come to summarize and link them.

Letter 1: Bran Davies to Arthur Pendragon, requesting aid with the lady Guinevere's bar tab.

Interludes: Merlion conveys the message to Arthur and passes the reply to Bran. Bran discusses the matter with Merlion and Guinevere. Some time after that, Bran and Guinevere are reminded of family history with the help of the demon Sweet. The duet conversation inspires Guinevere to request a conversation with Merlion. In that conversation, Guinevere sends a verbal message to Arthur. Back in the kingdom behind the North Wind, Arthur and Merlion discuss the matter of Guinevere's posthumous life, and Arthur's responsibilities to his dead widow. Merlion agrees to pass messages between Arthur and Guinevere.

Letter 2: Arthur to Guinevere, inquiring courteously after Guinevere's needs.
Letter 3: Guinevere to Arthur, thanking Arthur for his concern and explaining that everything is well at Milliways, even if it doesn't have a chapel. Guinevere also writes a brief note asking Merlion to continue carrying the messages.

Interlude: Arthur, after receiving Letter 3, paces through his castle, thinking.

Letter 4: Arthur to Guinevere, confessing the wrongs he has done her.
Letter 5: Guinevere to Arthur, in which Guinevere admits she is hurt by Arthur's confession and makes a confession of her own.
Letter 6: Arthur to Guinevere, forgiving Guinevere, begging forgiveness for his own sins, and describing his kingdom to Guinevere.

Interludes: Guinevere mentions to Bran that she has been in contact with Arthur, but does not speak of the contents of the letters. A few days later, Guinevere meets a monk named Cadfael. Their conversation starts Guinevere thinking about Milliways as purgatory,and the possibility of salvation. Meanwhile, back in the land beyond the North Wind, Merlion and Arthur talk. They begin by discussing Blodwen Rowlands; Arthur offers Merlion and Team Light any aid he may, short of actually leaving his kingdom. Then the topic of discussion shifts to Guinevere, and to Arthur's desire to build a chapel in the kingdom beyond the North Wind. Merriman is startled, but approves.

Letter 7: Guinevere to Arthur, forgiving him at last.
Letter 8: Arthur to Guinevere, issuing an invitation.
Letter 9: Guinevere to Arthur, accepting it.
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