.:v:. Silence is when I feel You best

May 09, 2006 08:36

Run, run, run - Greyback is out for your poor souls (and palatable flesh). Strange that they only realized this now, but gratifying nevertheless that at least they did - Lycanthropy isn't exactly what one would call Merlin's blessing. I would say death and destruction to the filth there should be a strict isolation of all lycans, which, the valiant ( Read more... )

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Comments 44

subtle_simmer May 9 2006, 04:16:36 UTC
Your logic is flawed, Morsus, which pains me a great deal, as you were one of my students and I would expect more from you.

It is a given fact that Fenrir Greyback is a monster, regardless of the form of his physical body. He wishes there to be no wizards or witches left - or at least none who are not infected, like himself. Even the Dark Lord could not wholly control him - nor trust him at all - because Fenrir longed for the taste of his blood as much as any of ours.

For you to claim, as you seem to wish to do here, that all werewolves are of the same motivation, would leave the door open for the wizarding community to claim all Death Eaters are as well. At one time, at least, we were all of one mind, were we not? Do not attempt to deny it, even in your delightfully public forum, which I have continued here. For at least a brief moment - and some of us for much longer - we loved our Master as worshipfully as Bellatrix Lestrange, and believed in his cause, his aims, his goals ( ... )


morsus_et_mors May 9 2006, 05:07:39 UTC
You are far too merciless to you former student, Master Snape. Had you attempted to look beneath the bubbling surface, you would have noticed a logic far more superior than that presented on the surface for the 'public'. Then again, I feel compelled to express my undying awe with your persona, for reasons, perhaps, only you and I, and a handful of others would have the brains and the experience to understand. To respond in kind without resorting to the petty privacy option is a sign of extreme confidence, which gladdens me, as it must mean you are well rooted in the new order, or that the impossible happened, id est - you've lost some of your sharpness from all the contact and interaction with the blunter of our kind. I refuse to believe in the latter for idolatry of our childhood is rarely misplaced.

That said, I would like to note that my public entry was not in defence of one Fenrir Greyback, Esquire. Indeed it was aimed against him and the rest of his ilk, regardless whether it was infected upon them involuntarily or not. The ( ... )


subtle_simmer May 9 2006, 05:40:01 UTC
You ask me what is worse than the Registry? I, who spent only a handful of days in Azkaban, yet would not be hasty to effect my own return therein?

I assure you, young Morsus - if you persist in convincing the mindless sheep that the big-bad-wolf might devour them in their beds, how long will it be before those same frightened lambs cry, screaming, to the Ministry that 'there should be a strict isolation of all on the Registry' as well?

You are young and brash. You dare to doubt my motives when I have been enmeshed in this fight since before you were born. Perhaps I understand your intentions better than you think, and it is, in fact, you who misunderstands me.

Do you believe, for even the remotest instant, that I would reside in a house full of werewolves if I thought I was in any danger? Do you dare doubt my skill in brewing the Wolfsbane?

There is a hackneyed old cliche regarding the proximity of friends and enemies. I know who my allies are, Morsus. Do you?

Severus Snape,
Potions Master


morsus_et_mors May 9 2006, 11:00:23 UTC
I do remember of the days you spent in Azkaban, Master Snape, which is in my list of things I respect about yourself. However, the main bulk of the Wizarding kind has never been there, and I doubt will ever be incarcerated there, purely out of reason that the Ministry cannot seriously start up a civic war, for resistance would be quite harsh. Pure-blood families, despite the common belief, are not 'inbred weaklings' - their knowledge being twice as thorough as that of the rest. So currently, there is nothing worse than the Registry for myself and the rest of my kind. Anything larger would not be tolerated even for a second.

This is exactly the reason why, even if those mindless sheep cry out in panic, the Ministry shall never go to such extreme measures as 'isolating all on the Registry'. After all, the Minister is not that stupid. We may have grudgingly agreed to accept the imposition of the Registry, but it is only a manifestation of our good will, Master Snape. And it would be good if the rest of the Wizarding Britain realized ( ... )


Private to Morsus nymphadorauror May 9 2006, 07:50:00 UTC
Contrary to what you think, Morsus- you disgusting piece of shite, Miss Raithen Cain would never agree with you about anything.

Addressing me in public? Oh, how scandalous! Why, I don’t know what to say. I would thank you for preaching about my thoughts, on you, to the entire Wizarding public- for I doubt anyone knew anything about it all. But the day I say anything appreciative to your words, is the day you confess to your allegiance of the Death Eater kind, right before you are executed.

You are going to provoke a lot more than a debate about issues with your ignorant words and prejudices, and I sincerely hope you won’t be able to handle it. For your vanity is blinding any sagacity you may or may not have, resulting in your belief that people actually care about what you think over certain issues.

Don't even bother asking me why I've made this private. I doubt you could even fathom the idea of modesty and diligence.


Private to the beauty that goes by the name of Nymphadora morsus_et_mors May 9 2006, 11:44:28 UTC
Nymphadora. You have no idea how much joy you bring into my life every time you respond to my tentative public entries. Even your insults sound like honey balm to my ragged non-existing soul. However, as much as I may love your entries, I must disagree. After all, truth is dearer to me, my friend Plato. I have a feeling, Miss Raithen Cain, wherever she is at the moment, is very much agreeing with my point of view. After being ravished like that by Greyback - who wouldn't? Although it still remains unclear whether the werewolf is being accused for someone else's fault.

Ah, I see you are learning the wonderment that is sarcasm, dearest. You may want to take a lesson or two from myself or my lovely wife - we do think we are quite the best in this art. Although you still have a lot to learn in terms of logic, logical fallacy, and consistency of your narration. For example, if we are to parse the second part of your second paragraph, namely the sentences starting with I would thank you and ending with you are executed, we would see that ( ... )


Private to Morsus nymphadorauror May 10 2006, 02:39:40 UTC
This isn’t some game, Morsus.

I don’t leave comments to you in hopes that it will invoke a heated debate about opinions, perceptions, and also your newest agenda, grammatical deconstructions. I don’t attempt to be enlightened by you, nor do I care if you are enthralled by me.

If you haven’t already learned by now that I’m not about to have any sort of snobby nosed, two-faced deliberations with you, using big words that mean nothing other than you are a blabbering idiot, then you really are a blabbering idiot.

Of course, I’m also an idiot for sending messages to you in the first place. I should have already known that you would only see ‘logical fallacy’ with what I’ve said, and never truly understand. For how can you? You are too busy tending to your arrogance with your debates, or your hobbies of sarcasm and witticism or both. There is no room in your petty life for anything but words ( ... )


Private to Nymphadora morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 04:41:24 UTC
It isn't? My, colour me shocked ( ... )


safinnigan May 9 2006, 15:02:24 UTC
Morsus, mate!


Aye, that you are.



morsus_et_mors May 9 2006, 15:18:32 UTC
Finnigan, my best friend!

Yes, yes, I can sense the slightly reproaching sarcasm in your delightful response (my heart started fluttering once I saw your familiar scrawl). I may not have been completely sincere with that 'sorry' one. Did that come out so affected?

But how have you and your ravishing pub been doing since lately? I do hope not too much of the peasant brawling, hm?

Very yours,


Not at all Private to Morsus safinnigan May 9 2006, 17:39:30 UTC
Morsus, luv,

You wound me. You, insincere? ‘Tis unbelievable!
Well then, I’ll be after taking your words with a mountain gain of salt for the future. Surely you were exaggerating when you bragged after snuffing muggles, eh boyo?

Right then, the Leaky’s fine, mate, but far beneath your notice. We peasants enjoy our brawling, but then you’d not have an interest in a clean fight, now would you?

After Yours,


Exposed to public Private to Finnigan morsus_et_mors May 9 2006, 17:48:02 UTC
Finnigan, darling,

I am quite rejoiced you wouldn't believe all those uncouth rumours that run around rampant about me and my penchant for insincerity. Honestly, what a bloke needeth to do to make the world believe in his crystal purity?

But, of course, I was exaggerating. I cannot harm a fly. Especially intentionally. Maybe accidentally, but I always do pray for the poor insect afterwards. Pater peccavi et al.

Depends on your definition of a clean fight, Finnigan, love.

Only with yours,


beyond_measure May 9 2006, 20:30:44 UTC
True, there's no cure. But at least it can be controlled, unlike the hatred and prejudice that drives the other monsters in our society. The lethality stays there, too, but oddly I don't see you protesting that all former Death Eaters or Pureblood Supremicists should be contained. Oh, yes. You should be off the Registry. How could I forget?

Then again, it's far easier to pick on those with a definable difference, isn't it?

-R. Weasley


morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 05:08:51 UTC
It cannot be completely controlled, Weasley. Whoever tells you so is lying to your uncorrupted brain. Wolfsbane can only keep them bridled for so long and if the werewolves apply enough of the pressure on the bridling - it can be broken. This is exactly why these beasts are kept inside during the full moon, even when they are dosed with Wolfsbane. You can never trust them to be completely safe ( ... )


beyond_measure May 10 2006, 05:52:06 UTC
Less malignant? I'd say more subtle and subversive and therefore far, far more dangerous.

At least lycanthropy can be partially controlled. And I never said fully, to begin with.

If you'd they'd let themselves see the other side maybe they'd realize that destroying everyone not like them wasn't the answer. Works both ways.

And rest assured that I'm far from a pacifist.

-R. Weasley


morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 12:09:18 UTC
Far, far more dangerous to whom? You operate with such general notions, it is often impossible to pinpoint the very argument you are trying to bring in here. If they are far more dangerous to all non-magical people, you would be quite correct. Pureblood Supremacists could also be called Magic Supremacists because they are against the Muggle world - there shall never be peace and safety for us in this world, while the other kind persists. Then again, I forget you and your kind are prone to bouts of selective sclerosis, where you forget about their Holy Inquisition and witch burnings, and only remember their few 'good' sides ( ... )


Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 9 2006, 23:59:43 UTC
How can you

Of all the entries to stumble across

What you've written here scares me. And not for the obvious reason. You're obviously a very intelligent person, and to hear an intelligent person spout all that prejudicial rubbish as if it makes perfect sense... It has always seemed to me that people capable of thinking things through would naturally see how ridiculous the public's long-held notions about werewolves really are. That all werewolves are like Greyback, monsters 'disguised' as humans, always bloodthirsty, malicious, always eager for the kill. And yet here you are, laying all of this out as if it's only natural. That's what scares me. Is this what you really believe, or are you just trying to rattle some cages - so to speak?

I don't mind admitting that I hope it's the latter. Though if it is, I wish you'd stop. The Prophet is doing more than enough of that already.

~ Juneau Connors


Private to Juneau Connors morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 05:19:04 UTC
Connors! I am honoured you've chosen my entry to finally make your presence known. Would you like to engage in a bout of 'blind' Quidditch like in ole times?

Oooh, that reminds me - I've always wondered, how is it that you read entries of others? Have they provided you with a special sort of a journal, one that reads out the words? And how does that work - do you get to have different people voicing entries of different people? I think it would be quite the fabulous idea. Mind, if you need it, I can provide you and your Order cronies with my voice sample, so they could attach my own voice to read out all of my entries for your hearing pleasure. Anything for you, darling. Especially considering your sorry state of health ( ... )


Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 10 2006, 05:52:40 UTC
Morsus ~

Here and I thought you considered yourself sophisticated. There were an awful lot of cheap shots in there, my friend - I would have thought you'd consider yourself above such things.

There's nothing special about my journal. It's a perfectly simple charm that lets me read it - and as it happens, the charm already causes it to read in the voice of the writer in most cases. So there's no need for a voice sample - thank you so much for the offer, but I'm already hearing your voice reading your entries. And I'm sure you'll find some way to make me regret telling you all of that, but what the heck. No one ever claimed those sorted into Gryffindor were prudent. In fact, I've been told just recently that it's futile for us to even try ( ... )


Private to Juneau Connors morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 13:08:18 UTC
Subtlety is for Hufflepuffs, darling. Oh the stereotypes, what they do with our lives. A Slytherin and a Pure-blood one at that knows when to be sophisticated and when not to bother. In your case, as you could see, I decided against making the extra effort and being extra polite. What use, hm? Besides, subtlety never seemed to work with the likes of you, Connors.

However, your honest and untroubled answers deserve at least a 'thank you' from me, which you shall get. Ready? THANK YOU. I have indeed been wondering about how such journals would work for the disabled in general, not just the blind. Good to hear the Ministry takes care of its denizens. And even supplied with voices? Now that is an interesting one. Do you get to hear all of the nuances of my velvety baritone and the modulations with all the tone changes? Would you mind sending a copy of your journal, cleansed and all, of course, so I could sate my curiosity ( ... )


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