.:v:. Silence is when I feel You best

May 09, 2006 08:36

Run, run, run - Greyback is out for your poor souls (and palatable flesh). Strange that they only realized this now, but gratifying nevertheless that at least they did - Lycanthropy isn't exactly what one would call Merlin's blessing. I would say death and destruction to the filth there should be a strict isolation of all lycans, which, the valiant ( Read more... )

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Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 9 2006, 23:59:43 UTC
How can you

Of all the entries to stumble across

What you've written here scares me. And not for the obvious reason. You're obviously a very intelligent person, and to hear an intelligent person spout all that prejudicial rubbish as if it makes perfect sense... It has always seemed to me that people capable of thinking things through would naturally see how ridiculous the public's long-held notions about werewolves really are. That all werewolves are like Greyback, monsters 'disguised' as humans, always bloodthirsty, malicious, always eager for the kill. And yet here you are, laying all of this out as if it's only natural. That's what scares me. Is this what you really believe, or are you just trying to rattle some cages - so to speak?

I don't mind admitting that I hope it's the latter. Though if it is, I wish you'd stop. The Prophet is doing more than enough of that already.

~ Juneau Connors


Private to Juneau Connors morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 05:19:04 UTC
Connors! I am honoured you've chosen my entry to finally make your presence known. Would you like to engage in a bout of 'blind' Quidditch like in ole times?

Oooh, that reminds me - I've always wondered, how is it that you read entries of others? Have they provided you with a special sort of a journal, one that reads out the words? And how does that work - do you get to have different people voicing entries of different people? I think it would be quite the fabulous idea. Mind, if you need it, I can provide you and your Order cronies with my voice sample, so they could attach my own voice to read out all of my entries for your hearing pleasure. Anything for you, darling. Especially considering your sorry state of health ( ... )


Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 10 2006, 05:52:40 UTC
Morsus ~

Here and I thought you considered yourself sophisticated. There were an awful lot of cheap shots in there, my friend - I would have thought you'd consider yourself above such things.

There's nothing special about my journal. It's a perfectly simple charm that lets me read it - and as it happens, the charm already causes it to read in the voice of the writer in most cases. So there's no need for a voice sample - thank you so much for the offer, but I'm already hearing your voice reading your entries. And I'm sure you'll find some way to make me regret telling you all of that, but what the heck. No one ever claimed those sorted into Gryffindor were prudent. In fact, I've been told just recently that it's futile for us to even try ( ... )


Private to Juneau Connors morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 13:08:18 UTC
Subtlety is for Hufflepuffs, darling. Oh the stereotypes, what they do with our lives. A Slytherin and a Pure-blood one at that knows when to be sophisticated and when not to bother. In your case, as you could see, I decided against making the extra effort and being extra polite. What use, hm? Besides, subtlety never seemed to work with the likes of you, Connors.

However, your honest and untroubled answers deserve at least a 'thank you' from me, which you shall get. Ready? THANK YOU. I have indeed been wondering about how such journals would work for the disabled in general, not just the blind. Good to hear the Ministry takes care of its denizens. And even supplied with voices? Now that is an interesting one. Do you get to hear all of the nuances of my velvety baritone and the modulations with all the tone changes? Would you mind sending a copy of your journal, cleansed and all, of course, so I could sate my curiosity ( ... )


Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 10 2006, 14:51:49 UTC
I feel as though I should take back what I said about you being intelligent. Or maybe you're just not paying attention. I'll repeat in the hopes it gets through your thick skull this time.

There is nothing special about my journal. If I sent it to you - which I won't - you'd find no difference between it and your own, unless you've done something to yours I don't know about. The charm is something I do, very easy, third year level at most. The 'disabled' can look out for themselves, thankfully, since the Ministry seems hardly interested in taking care of anyone who can't immediately provide them with some tangible benefit in return.

The world doesn't need any more malice or bullying, thankyouverymuch. And if you're as interested in peace as you keep claiming, fostering bloodthirstiness in yourself or anyone else hardly seems the way to do it.

No one's luck can last forever - not even yours. Enjoy it while you have it.

That makes one of us;
Juneau Connors


Private to Juneau Connors morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 15:51:02 UTC
It is funny how the ignorant are eager to point out another's perceived lack of intelligence. This is what the baseness of one's blood does, I suppose, that is - provide one with the inferiority complex. What can I do but pity you?

And so the lack of understanding on your part is only your problem. Choosing to comprehend everything literally could not make you any blunter in my eyes than you already appear. Although wasn't it something about infinity that had to do with ignorance of your ilk?

But lookie, we are agreeing on something! I do think as well, the world doesn't need any more malice or bullying - there are werewolves to do that already. How doleful and here was I harbouring hopes of occupying the niche of world-wide malice. I suppose my rare frolicking out and about in search of victims shall suffice then. No large-scale destruction for me. I am sad. But you have fun, darling; you and your infected pack, yes?

Mine will.

Montague Morsus


Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 10 2006, 16:43:17 UTC
You like to play with words, don't you? Twist them around until no one notices that what you're saying has nothing whatsoever to do with what was said previously. But as you say, subtlety's wasted on me, so do indulge this poor blunt Gryffindor with a few straight answers. What is it I seem to have taken literally? And what exactly is my 'ilk'? The ignorant? The base-blooded? The 'disabled'?


Sticks and stones, Morsus. You can call me whatever you like, but that doesn't mean I am anything you say. When it comes down to what's important, you don't know anything about me - or any of us - at all.

I wish you and your ilk the worst of luck in your 'frolicking'. Nothing personal, you understand.

~ Juneau Connors


Private to Juneau Connors morsus_et_mors May 10 2006, 18:32:19 UTC
Well-well, aren't you the persistent one? And quite the annoying one at that too. But I ask you, do not let that get to your head - you irritate me purely basing on your genetic, I suppose, inability to understand what you are being told.

Connors, you must remember one thing for future reference, for you might need it at one point or another - I never play by rules that others set. If you want straight answers - you will have to concoct something more elaborate than that blunt approach. However, giving you the benefit of doubt, I shall not take your questions seriously. Besides, if you have been serious, wouldn't that give you some amusement during your long long long long long hours of total solitude?

When it comes down to what's important, Connors, I wish NOT to know anything about your ilk, be it the ignorant, the base-blooded, the disabled or the werewolf kind. By the by, I'd hardly call acknowledging your kind as all of those things, a very logical move on your part ( ... )


Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 10 2006, 20:29:17 UTC
So sorry if I'm annoying you. Oh... wait, no, I'm not. Actually, I feel kind of good about it. Must be those malicious tendencies acting up ( ... )


Private to Juneau Connors morsus_et_mors May 11 2006, 04:17:55 UTC
Ah I see you are now trying out the jester mask, hm, Connors? Anything to hide those scars, isn't it?

Good, I was fearing you would decide to launch upon that opportunity to annoy me. I doubt anything you concoct would be even remotely interesting for me to taste. I am wounded, however - you do not care enough to spend hours and hours contemplating them? Why so much cruelty? Tsk-tsk.

I know, I know, I called you all of those things. How simply naughty I am. But you restated them in such a manner that a logical fallacy appeared, id est, turning your attempt at questioning me into your acknowledgement of all those things. Which is why I'd recommend you to watch what you say. Honestly, do they not teach you the basics of rhetorics over at the Order headquarters? I would have thought, considering you have all the luminaries of demagogy stationed there ( ... )


Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 11 2006, 15:50:10 UTC
I wish you could hear me laughing. Wounded? Please. I can hardly imagine anything I say having the power to hurt you at all. And I definitely don't believe you'd let on if I did.

There was no 'logical fallacy'. I was acknowledging your use of those words to describe me, not their accuracy. You're trying to twist logic to suit your own purposes, but you're going to have to do better than that. And what makes you think I'm a member of the Order, hmm?

Here's Logic 101 for you: If group A falls within group B, it does not stand that everything within group B is also a part of group A. Victims are people, but not all people are victims. People become victims, ergo my hope is that no more people (members of group B) are turned into victims (members of group A), not that group B be eradicated altogether. Actually, in wishing for all people to be destroyed, I'd be wishing for them to become victims of some cataclysm or other, thereby completely undermining my own reasoning. Therefore logic tells us not that I hope for everyone to ( ... )


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