.:v:. Silence is when I feel You best

May 09, 2006 08:36

Run, run, run - Greyback is out for your poor souls (and palatable flesh). Strange that they only realized this now, but gratifying nevertheless that at least they did - Lycanthropy isn't exactly what one would call Merlin's blessing. I would say death and destruction to the filth there should be a strict isolation of all lycans, which, the valiant ( Read more... )

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Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 10 2006, 20:29:17 UTC
So sorry if I'm annoying you. Oh... wait, no, I'm not. Actually, I feel kind of good about it. Must be those malicious tendencies acting up.

Concocting something elaborate seems completely counterproductive when all I was going for was a straightforward response. Too much to hope for where you're concerned, that's obvious. But I don't care enough about those answers to bother trying to worm them out of you, and I certainly don't care enough to spend hours contemplating them. Ah well. Curiosity unsatisfied, moving on.

You were the one who called me all of those things, Morsus. As I said, your saying it doesn't make it so. Your opinion of me is noted and disregarded.

As for the last bit, I should have thought it'd be obvious. But since it seems to have been too confusing for you, I'll clarify. By 'worst of luck', I only meant that I sincerely hope your 'frolicking' will meet with a total lack of success. Ie., no victims. (See? What that was was a straight answer. It isn't that hard really. You should try it sometime.) Again, nothing personal; it's just my long-standing belief that the fewer victims there are in the world, the better off the world will be.

And a world based on any idea so savage and unnatural as the promotion of one type of people over others hasn't a prayer of succeeding for long. Enjoy your delusions, though.

~ Juneau Connors


Private to Juneau Connors morsus_et_mors May 11 2006, 04:17:55 UTC
Ah I see you are now trying out the jester mask, hm, Connors? Anything to hide those scars, isn't it?

Good, I was fearing you would decide to launch upon that opportunity to annoy me. I doubt anything you concoct would be even remotely interesting for me to taste. I am wounded, however - you do not care enough to spend hours and hours contemplating them? Why so much cruelty? Tsk-tsk.

I know, I know, I called you all of those things. How simply naughty I am. But you restated them in such a manner that a logical fallacy appeared, id est, turning your attempt at questioning me into your acknowledgement of all those things. Which is why I'd recommend you to watch what you say. Honestly, do they not teach you the basics of rhetorics over at the Order headquarters? I would have thought, considering you have all the luminaries of demagogy stationed there.

No victims. Yes. How very unlucky. End sarcasm there. Poor Connors, I do really pity you, if that was the peak of your exquisite refinement of intellect. No victims can be easily rectified, if we were to say that this is what my ilk understands by frolicking, which isn't a given and isn't an acknowledgement on my part. Hypothetically, victims do not walk outside freely waiting on evil villains to pick up on them - instead, they are made into what they are. So thus, you wishing that there be no victims for us, if we were to be very interested in them in the first place, is akin to wishing that there be no people at all. Consequently - is it that you are latently and very subconsciously wishing that everyone be destroyed and annihilated in the most cruel of manners?

I would say you might have problems with your psyche. Of course, being ravished like that, blinded, scarred, while the rest of the people are merrily frolicking would make you want that - clear as a day. But that doesn't make you any safer. Rather the contrary, Connors, dear.

Montague Morsus


Private to Montague Morsus sightlesswolf May 11 2006, 15:50:10 UTC
I wish you could hear me laughing. Wounded? Please. I can hardly imagine anything I say having the power to hurt you at all. And I definitely don't believe you'd let on if I did.

There was no 'logical fallacy'. I was acknowledging your use of those words to describe me, not their accuracy. You're trying to twist logic to suit your own purposes, but you're going to have to do better than that. And what makes you think I'm a member of the Order, hmm?

Here's Logic 101 for you: If group A falls within group B, it does not stand that everything within group B is also a part of group A. Victims are people, but not all people are victims. People become victims, ergo my hope is that no more people (members of group B) are turned into victims (members of group A), not that group B be eradicated altogether. Actually, in wishing for all people to be destroyed, I'd be wishing for them to become victims of some cataclysm or other, thereby completely undermining my own reasoning. Therefore logic tells us not that I hope for everyone to be destroyed nor annihilated, but rather that I hope nothing of any cruel or victimizing nature should ever happen to any person ever again. You're not the only one who can haul out the logic, Morsus. And mine actually makes sense.

Yours is very entertaining, I'll give you that. But between the two of us, I don't think I'm the one with the psychological problems.

Have a lovely day.

~ Juneau Connors


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