xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Aug 16, 2006 15:07
[author] absesed, #author has replied, [rating] grammar: 3/5, [rating] style: 3/5, [rating] spelling: 5/5, [title] godesses love, [rating] characterization: 0/5, @a:tla, !review, [rating] summary: 3/5, [pairing] none, [rating] plot: 3/5
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jul 09, 2006 10:40
[rating] summary: 0/5, @hxh, !review, [title] a perfect match, [rating] plot: 0/5, [rating] grammar: 2/5, [rating] spelling: 3/5, [rating] style: 1/5, [rating] characterization: 1/5, [author] azab
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jun 22, 2006 16:44
[rating] grammar: 3/5, [rating] style: 2/5, [rating] plot: 1/5, @a:tla, [title] stolen, !review, [rating] spelling: 4/5, [pairing] zutara, [author] ragemoon, [rating] characterization: 1/5, [rating] summary: 2/5
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jun 20, 2006 18:26
[rating] grammar: 3/5, [rating] spelling: 5/5, @a:tla, [rating] plot: 2/5, !review, [title] maya, [author] sketchlives09, [rating] summary: 3/5, #will review future chapters, [rating] style: 1/5, [rating] characterization: 2/5, [pairing] zuko/oc
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jun 19, 2006 22:03
[rating] style: 3/5, [rating] spelling: 5/5, [author] the green phoenix, @a:tla, [rating] grammar: 5/5, !review, [title] the lost airbender, [rating] summary: 3/5, #will review future chapters, [pairing] none, [rating] plot: 3/5, [rating] characterization: 4/5
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jun 18, 2006 09:46
[pairing] canon/oc, [rating] style: 2/5, [rating] plot: 1/5, @a:tla, [rating] grammar: 5/5, !review, [rating] spelling: 3/5, [title] a strang prophecy, [rating] characterization: 3/5, [author] freekgirl, [rating] summary: 1/5
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jun 18, 2006 08:58
#author has replied, [rating] grammar: 3/5, [rating] style: 3/5, [rating] summary: 0/5, [title] avatar: mysteries far from..., !review, [rating], [rating] spelling: 4/5, [rating] plot: 0/5, [author] dalin, #will not review future chapters, [pairing] none
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jun 18, 2006 08:00
#author has replied, [rating] style: 3/5, @a:tla, [rating] summary: 5/5, [rating] grammar: 4/5, [author] nerti, !review, [rating] spelling: 4/5, [title] fading earth, #will review future chapters, [pairing] none, [rating] plot: 3/5, [rating] characterization: 4/5
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jun 18, 2006 07:10
[rating] style: 3/5, [rating] spelling: 5/5, [author] the green phoenix, @a:tla, [rating] grammar: 5/5, !review, [title] the lost airbender, [rating] summary: 3/5, #will review future chapters, [rating] characterization: 3/5, [pairing] none, [rating] plot: 3/5
xenoamorist wrote in morirbound Jun 17, 2006 21:07
[rating] grammar: 3/5, [rating] spelling: 5/5, [rating] plot: 1/5, [rating] characterization: 0/5, @a:tla, !review, [pairing] zutara, [rating] summary: 3/5, [author] lady-mobscene, [rating] style: 1/5, [title] endless waltz