Fic: ‘aim straight and true’

Jun 03, 2012 05:44

Title: aim straight and true
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (OUaT)
Rating: (PG)
Time Period: Season 1, episode 3: Charming & Snow escaping the Queen’s guards.
Summary: He aims and fires.

Author's Note: This is quick ‘n’ dirty (for definition see the F. A. Q.).

Thinking of episode 3, this scene came to mind. I’ve not written an action scene in some time and it was Charming, so ...

I know I’ve not remembered this scene right but I just like Charming with that bow in hand.

All characters contained herein are the intellectual property of Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz; I am not affiliated with nor endorsed by them.


Seeing the bow on the ground, he tumbles forward, rolling, and comes to his feet with the bow at the ready. He looks along the arrow, the Queen’s black guard at the other end. He looses the arrow. It speeds through the forest, between trees, and hits its target.

The guard falls, face forward; the arrow sticking from his back, standing almost to attention. Bow in his hand, he closes the distance between he and his target, bow still in hand. Like everything related to the Queen, it, too, is black.

The horse has reared from the sudden weight lost and bounds down the path, its one passenger righting themselves and struggling for control. He looks around them, bow ready.

Quiet reigns.

character: james (charming), tv: once upon a time (ouat)

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