[Action + Video] Veldt

May 28, 2011 22:31

[The moogle had come and gone. They whole time they had conversed it had looked around nervously, as if it expected something to jump out of the grass at any moment. As soon as he had looked away to inspect the sky phone, the moogle had dashed away. This left him alone in a plain that seemed to continue on forever. No matter where he looked he ( Read more... )

adelbert steiner, ritz malheur, mjrn, !video post, refia, delita heiral, ingus, warrior of light, !action post

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Comments 183

[Video] dewdrop_pebbles May 29 2011, 04:17:54 UTC
[Mjrn perks up and stares into the device.]

Ingus? It has been a long time.

[...but he probably doesn't remember her. Of course.]

You are no longer in your native world, but Gaia. Your friend Refia is here, as well.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 04:47:18 UTC
[Sorry, one moment, he just has to...

There's the faint sound of white magic before he switches on the video again, regarding the Viera for a moment.]

Gaia? [So he hasn't landed on the surface, or Eureka, or even the World of Darkness. He's somewhere else entirely.] I see.

Refia is also...? [How long had she been missing in their world, then?] I am grateful for your assistance.

But I must also apologize. I do not recall us meeting.


[Video] dewdrop_pebbles May 29 2011, 04:53:58 UTC
[She shakes her head.]

Many who arrive have previously been drawn to Gaia, though they do not remember this. I know not why.

[Oh, right, manners.]

I am Mjrn.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 05:09:04 UTC
Mjrn. [He bows his head.] I'll not forget it this time.

[At least, he hopes not.]

Is there anything I should know of my previous visit here?


[Video] smallmage May 29 2011, 04:39:56 UTC
[This was not at all what she expected to see - ever. She'd given up hope of seeing any of them again, though she'd secretly been longing for it way down deep where she refused to acknowledge it. Over a year... But that's done with, now.]



[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 04:49:49 UTC
Refia? [He's still surprised when she appears on the device. And, crap, he hopes she doesn't notice that he's still wounded.] If you're here, then what of the others?


[Video] smallmage May 29 2011, 05:03:01 UTC
[She will in a minute, give her time to get over the astonishment of him being there again.]

No one... no one's been here for so long. [And boy did she miss them.]

Ingus, where are you? I'm coming to find you.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 05:16:05 UTC
[He'll just angle the camera away from that wound...]

How long? [His brow furrows.]

I'm in the midst of a vast grassland. These plains seem to give birth to beasts.

[As if on cue, the heavy footsteps of a Thor can be heard behind him. He turns with enough time to block an attack.] It is dangerous here, I would advise you remain where you are.

[He'll just... find a way out somehow.]


[video] captain_rusty May 29 2011, 10:51:01 UTC
Have you spoken to the moogles? They will tell you of your plight.


[video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 21:09:53 UTC
I have. [He's just over here, curing himself.] But the creature was not interested in remaining in this place overlong. I took his offerings and allowed him to make for safety.


[video] captain_rusty May 31 2011, 14:38:04 UTC
Ah, my apologies! That place seems to be crawling with monsters! But I am also a knight, and I would offer you my assistance if I can. Are you safe for a moment? Is there anything you wish to know?


[video] sasuneknight May 31 2011, 22:37:08 UTC
I am all right. [He sounds a bit worn out, though.] Aid is coming.

[He's safe for now, and Refia is on her way to pick him up.]

But I would like to know if there is anything I can do to help this world.


[Video] for_cosmos May 29 2011, 18:53:16 UTC
[Someone seems to be taking being introduced to a new world rather well. It's surprising to see someone so calm about it.]

Be careful. The location you have found yourself in is the Veldt- it, and the entire Mist Continent, is over run with monsters.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 21:16:06 UTC
[He's freaking out inside.]

Thank you for the warning. [He's kind of beginning to figure that one out with how many monsters keep happening upon him. He didn't adequately prepare for something like this.]

Why are there so many fiends here?


[Video] for_cosmos May 30 2011, 02:02:07 UTC
[Well, he's able to keep it from affecting him!]

Several weeks ago, a woman known as Lufene summoned a horde of monsters from the moon. It created enormous devastation, and the Mist Continent still suffers from increased numbers of monsters.


[Video] sasuneknight May 30 2011, 05:24:33 UTC
[From the moon? That seemed ridiculous, but so had the fact that his home was floating, or the idea that there was a world beneath his own, or one made of darkness. Over time he had learned better than to question such things.

All he could think now was that, since Refia was here, he should have also been here to try to stop it.]

I see. [He's silent for another moment. Had this world summoned him, a Warrior of Light, to help fight these beasts?]

Is there anything to be done aside from slaying the fiends?

[Why did he feel like he should have known all of this already?]


[video] whiteblessing May 29 2011, 19:11:32 UTC
You're on Gaia. A man named Garland ended up forcing a lode of worlds together.

[Pause, as she thinks.] What did the moogles tell you?


[video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 21:19:05 UTC
[Garland? It didn't ring a bell. But it helps him to know that this isn't Xande's work.]

Not much. In a place like this I thought it cruel to make them stay long.


[video] whiteblessing June 1 2011, 14:54:36 UTC
Mm... [A nod. Looks like you've earned respect for that straight away, Ingus!] ... it does look particularly nasty.

Well, in that case. The main thing is that this isn't your native world, and that you may or may not have friends here. Luck of the draw, usually. If they are here, they'll probably contact you through the Sky Phone soon enough.


[video] sasuneknight June 2 2011, 03:19:10 UTC
[Ingus is so glad to earn respect!]

I believe one person I know is here. That is better than nothing, at least. [Although he sorely misses his country and his princess.]

Thank you for your assistance. This is rather disconcerting...

[He would ask for your name but that would likely be too forward. Instead he just bows his head in thanks.]


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