[Action + Video] Veldt

May 28, 2011 22:31

[The moogle had come and gone. They whole time they had conversed it had looked around nervously, as if it expected something to jump out of the grass at any moment. As soon as he had looked away to inspect the sky phone, the moogle had dashed away. This left him alone in a plain that seemed to continue on forever. No matter where he looked he ( Read more... )

adelbert steiner, ritz malheur, mjrn, !video post, refia, delita heiral, ingus, warrior of light, !action post

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[Video] dewdrop_pebbles May 29 2011, 04:17:54 UTC
[Mjrn perks up and stares into the device.]

Ingus? It has been a long time.

[...but he probably doesn't remember her. Of course.]

You are no longer in your native world, but Gaia. Your friend Refia is here, as well.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 04:47:18 UTC
[Sorry, one moment, he just has to...

There's the faint sound of white magic before he switches on the video again, regarding the Viera for a moment.]

Gaia? [So he hasn't landed on the surface, or Eureka, or even the World of Darkness. He's somewhere else entirely.] I see.

Refia is also...? [How long had she been missing in their world, then?] I am grateful for your assistance.

But I must also apologize. I do not recall us meeting.


[Video] dewdrop_pebbles May 29 2011, 04:53:58 UTC
[She shakes her head.]

Many who arrive have previously been drawn to Gaia, though they do not remember this. I know not why.

[Oh, right, manners.]

I am Mjrn.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 05:09:04 UTC
Mjrn. [He bows his head.] I'll not forget it this time.

[At least, he hopes not.]

Is there anything I should know of my previous visit here?


[Video] dewdrop_pebbles May 29 2011, 05:14:42 UTC
Arc and Luneth arrived...but they have since vanished from Gaia.

[She pauses, pulling up the map.]

I see from the map that you are located in the Veldt. There is a city nearby, to the southwest; Lindblum. Refia resides there.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 05:29:00 UTC
[Southwest. He turns in the required direction based on the position of the sun. Lindblum isn't a name familiar to him, but if Refia is there he'll go that way.]

Can you tell me how long we've been gone? [At least if he knows that he'll know how hard to expect Refia to hit him when they meet.]


[Video] dewdrop_pebbles May 29 2011, 05:47:55 UTC
[Her brow furrows as she tries to remember. It's been a while.]

You departed...a little over a year, I believe.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 06:22:21 UTC
[That long... It was going to hurt.]

Thank you for your assistance.


[Video] dewdrop_pebbles May 29 2011, 15:50:36 UTC
You are welcome. May we meet under better circumstances.


[Video] sasuneknight May 29 2011, 21:06:54 UTC
[He nods.] I look forward to that day.


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