❦ The Calm Before the Storm? [audio]

Jun 02, 2010 13:52

[Lingering behind the scenes for far too long, the King of Damcyan decides to speak finally regarding this latest panic about the I'Cie. Edward wasn't very thrilled in how the public received this message or pleased with how some members of the council seemed to cling to the Lt. Commander's words. Therefore, in an attempt to stir up discussion ( Read more... )

oerba yun fang, !voice post, serah farron, rydia of mist, larsa ferrinas solidor, sabin rene figaro, mjrn, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, edward chris von muir, cecil harvey, lightning farron, rasler heios nabradia, agrias oaks, kain highwind

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Comments 85

aggresivo June 2 2010, 18:30:33 UTC
...heh, it's always nice when someone has a little sense around to spare.

We ain't looking for trouble. I'm thinking we had enough of that to last us all a lifetime.


[ audio ] melodiesoflute June 2 2010, 19:37:41 UTC
It would seem that common sense is lacking amongst most people as of late judging by the outcry against those marked as an I'Cie.

Ah, are you one of them?


[ audio ] aggresivo June 2 2010, 19:53:31 UTC
Sure am. Name's Fang.

It wouldn't be the first time people just did what was told of 'em when panic hit.


[ audio ] melodiesoflute June 2 2010, 20:06:07 UTC
I wished we could have met under better circumstances, Fang. I am Edward Chris von Muir the King of Damcyan, and while my kingdom may be miles away--I still remember clearly how much the wars ruined my homeland. It was because of situation similar to this that an entire ethnicity of summoners were utterly annihilated by impure hands.

While I shall admit to my ignorance regarding the I'Cie, I do not believe that those who have been unwilling marked would seek to continue the chaos. You are miles away from home, are you not? What good would the I'Cie have causing chaos in Gaia if their alleged mission relies solely upon their world?

I do not know what to think of this matter, but I do believe that instead of purging the world of your kind, there must be a way to save you all. I wish not for us to wash our hands in blood, you see. Especially considering Gaia faces other perils other than the I'Cie.


fulminous June 2 2010, 19:39:14 UTC


melodiesoflute June 2 2010, 20:08:17 UTC
There's no need for thanks, I merely hope others shan't give into hysteria.


fulminous June 2 2010, 20:32:15 UTC
You and us both. Hysterical people are easily manipulated people.


melodiesoflute June 2 2010, 20:51:08 UTC
They usually are for fear dictates their actions, not thought. For awhile, such fear has dictated the Gaians' actions towards us Sky People.


[Voice] eidolon_soul June 3 2010, 00:00:36 UTC
If they were a true threat, I think we would have seen it already. The fact that our only trouble has come from certain others makes me think this is a lot of hot air.

...and no, I won't ever forget what happened to this world, or mine.


[Voice] melodiesoflute June 3 2010, 00:18:04 UTC
Rydia, I know that you wouldn't be quick to believe in the tall tales told regarding the L'Cie, but I am thankful to hear your thoughts on this matter.

I believe that fear shall erupt an outcry amongst the masses, one loud enough to provoke the council to act. If such a day comes, I shall do whatever it is in my power to stop it.

This is my oath to you, and so many others who have seen the brutalities of war up close.


[Voice] eidolon_soul June 3 2010, 00:26:14 UTC
You won't be alone, Edward. We'll all stand together, if need be. Hopefully after the initial shock, heads will cool and remember that Garland is our real enemy.


[Voice] melodiesoflute June 3 2010, 00:32:51 UTC
Indeed, this is what I ultimately hope for, but people are known to be silly. I merely wish for you and the others not to give into this hysteria. We have come too far to allow this to warp our minds.


[Voice] dewdrop_pebbles June 3 2010, 00:05:11 UTC
To condemn without knowledge or proof of ill intent is unwise. I hope none are so eager to secure Gaia that they forget this.


[Voice] melodiesoflute June 3 2010, 00:19:44 UTC
This is what I hope as well, Mjrn. I am troubled by what I see, and here as of late. Troubled enough to warrant me to speak upon a topic I rather not participate within.

I possess very little patience towards those eager for blood.


[Voice] dewdrop_pebbles June 3 2010, 00:23:32 UTC
Nor do I. It is especially disturbing to see from other Sky People. They know well how it is to be judged, yet they turn and do likewise?


[Voice] melodiesoflute June 3 2010, 00:35:30 UTC
This is the hypocrisy of it all! I cannot believe that those who are labeled as 'Sky People' are so quite to judge.

We know nothing of the L'Cie or of their world. Therefore, how can we pass judgment so quickly and so soon based upon hearsay?

Only a mummer would be a willing pawn within this farce.


dragoon_rising June 3 2010, 05:01:01 UTC
[Someone here is still guilty over his role in a bit of genocide some while back.]

For once, we agree.


melodiesoflute June 3 2010, 18:17:00 UTC
[He figured that Kain would speak considering the role he once played in that genocide.]

What a rare occurrence, but I am glad nonetheless.


dragoon_rising June 4 2010, 01:28:36 UTC
Indeed... I wouldn't make that mistake again.


melodiesoflute June 4 2010, 17:32:16 UTC
I know you wouldn't, Kain, but it would seem someone plans to follow in the footsteps of such destruction. Should we alienate the L'Cie for crimes not done to Gaia, then we may find ourselves repeating history yet again.

I cannot bear to think of what folly would bring.


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