Утверждают, что имеетbegemotv2718May 23 2009, 12:36:01 UTC
licorice Look up licorice at Dictionary.com c.1205, from Anglo-Fr. lycoryc, from O.Fr. licorece, from L.L. liquiritia, alteration of L. glychyrrhiza, from Gk. glykyrrhiza, lit. "sweet root," from glykys "sweet" (see glucose) + rhiza "root;" form influenced in L. by liquere "become fluid," associated by the method of extracting the sweet stuff from the root. Fr. réglisse, It. regolizia are the same word, with metathesis of -l- and -r-.
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c.1205, from Anglo-Fr. lycoryc, from O.Fr. licorece, from L.L. liquiritia, alteration of L. glychyrrhiza, from Gk. glykyrrhiza, lit. "sweet root," from glykys "sweet" (see glucose) + rhiza "root;" form influenced in L. by liquere "become fluid," associated by the method of extracting the sweet stuff from the root. Fr. réglisse, It. regolizia are the same word, with metathesis of -l- and -r-.
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