Ethan: 43.75" (75th %ile), 41.4# (50%), Hep A vaccine (recommended for all kids now, not just high-risk types like travelers), BP 96/62, passed hearing, vision, and scoliosis tests
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1. I had a "ten kinds of mighty badass" moment today: the kids and I were heading out for the morning, and we hopped into the elevator to ride down to the floor on which our car is parked. The elevator, unfortunately, is not terribly well-known for its reliability, but it's better than the stairs now that Gabe is in the "WANNA GET DOWWWWWWN!" stage
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My deepest apologies for those who read this LJ expecting humor and wit, qualities of which it has been sadly bereft lately. The truth is that I have a lot to say, but none of it is witty or humorous, so I haven't been posting it. I'm exhausted and a little down, and I've been doing that thing some of us have discussed where you withdraw into
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I can't help it. I've tried and tried to curb this habit, and I can't. It's hopeless. Every time I see my two boys interacting, I think of the exact same quote:
Gabe: "Wot are we gonna do tonight, Ethan?" Ethan: "The same thing we do every night, Gabe: try. to take over. the world."
For the last time, my love, "But he didn't cry! He didn't cry, so I didn't really hurt him!" is NOT A REASONABLE EXCUSE FOR HITTING YOUR LITTLE BROTHER.