Fic: Dark Angel Oneshot

Jul 14, 2006 04:27

It's 5AM in the bloody morning but I promised I'd post this DA fic today, so here it is! (though, technically it's tomorrow) It's longer than I'd planned, slightly more plot-y than I planned, but it's my first ever delve in the Dark Angel fandom so I wanted to experiment with voice and character a bit. I don't think the voices are quite up to par ( Read more... )

fanfic, dark angel

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Comments 48

legoline July 13 2006, 20:56:44 UTC
Ooooooooooh!!! *squees*


*squees again*

That was SO good! You have an incredible talent to get character's voices spot on - I could literally hear Original Cindy's and Max'S and of course Alec's voice in my head, so good :-)

And my very favourite paragraphs?

He didn’t see the fist coming, he just felt the impact, felt his head whip to the side and something crack inside him. Maybe it wasn’t a bone. Maybe it was something deeper. Because all he really knew was that he disappeared then. Vaguely he heard the sounds of flesh smacking flesh, of something wet splattering against the ground and of a knife trailing down skin, and maybe a scream. But only vaguely. And he couldn’t see or feel anything.

He’d already tried shuffling through his memories to find a safe place to hide, but nowhere was safe. So he just…disappeared.

That's just so well written from his POV, excellent.

Write more! More! :-)


mmarinov July 14 2006, 03:48:27 UTC
Lol, so glad you enjoyed it! *squees with you* I'm so writing more DA fic - it's really fun! You should definately try your hand at it. I was too sissy to go for anything more violent or angsty, but one day... ;)


legoline July 14 2006, 07:05:18 UTC
*loves it*

*fans you*

Well I do hope you're writing more! Hehe...I might write something, one day... I sort of had a seizure!fic plotbunny and yesterday while I was lying in my bed this line suddenly came to my mind, out of nothing: "Alec was sure Max had never forgiven him that he looked exactly like Ben." I'm a dork, ain't I? Maybe I'm going to make something out of that line - unless it's the most overused idea ever :p

I was too sissy to go for anything more violent or angsty, but one day... ;)

I have good faith in you :-)


mmarinov July 14 2006, 07:11:25 UTC
I sort of had a seizure!fic plotbunny and yesterday while I was lying in my bed this line suddenly came to my mind, out of nothing: "Alec was sure Max had never forgiven him that he looked exactly like Ben."

That theme would make an interesting oneshot! Angsty or sweet or bittersweet! Go for it, I say =D


hybrid_cookie July 13 2006, 21:32:31 UTC
That was great! Bloody brilliant. Poor Alec *hugs him*
He he did I ever tell you that you rock? 'Cause you really REALLY do!


mmarinov July 14 2006, 03:54:01 UTC
Hee, thank you! I thought the Alec Angst would bode well ;) Dean and Alec - never have two characters had such squee-potential =D


wynter_rebel July 13 2006, 21:43:08 UTC
Oh the yayness in my heart is too great for words.


mmarinov July 14 2006, 03:58:01 UTC
Yay! =D I stayed up all night to finish it because I'd promised it for you! Lol.


wynter_rebel July 14 2006, 05:01:38 UTC
Yay!! :-D Hehe, I must say that it was definitely a treat to see it was posted. And you did so well with it! By far the best Alec fic I've read. :-D


pheebs1 July 13 2006, 22:16:11 UTC
Oh hon this is great! You really got their voices, especially Original Cindy's which is hard to do without being OTT I think. And Alec, you pegged him right as far as giving him that bit of cocky selfishness which does run through him, but overall how good a guy he is.And how hard he tries to hard it. More DA fic PLEASE.
Fave bits:

“Why not try the honey approach. Just give it a go. See where it gets you." “Maybe I’ve been helping rich little old ladies across the street.” “You think about my ass a lot?” All great Alec snark and yes Alec, yes I do think about your ass a lot.

It pissed him off. He’d already given White the satisfaction of hearing him scream, he didn’t want him to think he’d been crying too. Oh how Alec.

And because it made me laugh out loud, the shout out to Logan's 'hideous painting'. HA HA!


mmarinov July 14 2006, 04:06:30 UTC
(*whispers*....what does OTT mean? Over the top?)

Yes, Alec, we're *all* thinking about your ass a lot.

So relieved you felt Alec and the others were in character. It's really hard to write them without turning them into stereotypes or caricatures of themselves. Especially after all the bad DA fic I've read. The fanon seems to have this whole different characterization going on that differs considerably from the canon. I tried to avoid that trap, lol. Normal was fun to write for.

Thanks for reading! =D


pheebs1 July 14 2006, 08:45:18 UTC
Oh yeah, OTT is over the top and you managed her voice without being. It was a great fic, I look forward to seeing more DA from you!


kiraboshi July 13 2006, 22:33:27 UTC That was amazing. Perfectly in character and OH MY GOD, I love torture angst so much, and this was amazing.


mmarinov July 14 2006, 04:12:28 UTC
I love torture angst so much
Hehe, don't we all!

Really pleased you enjoyed! I'm so going to be dabbling in this fandom for a while. All of you should be too! =D


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