[one shot] Silent Love

Apr 19, 2009 01:58

Silent Love
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Akame
Rating : NC17
Summary : They didn’t need words. They understand each other even without words. It was painful, but it was the price they must pay for their love.
Disclaimer : Yes, I owned them. Not.
A/N : a somewhat-sequel for Void. Betaed by piperr0919 thank you so much dear ^^

--taken from Jin’s POV--

Could we love each other even without words…?

We lied next to each other, the grass tickled our bare skin; the heat of summer lingered in the air, the breeze danced along the white clouds in the dazzling blue sky. You asked me with a hesitated tone.

I didn’t move my head to look at your face, and neither did you. We kept lying next to each other, the comfortable silence enveloped us. I moved my fingers; tangled them with yours, our fingertips met.

Yes, I finally answered your question. We didn’t need words to love each other. We understood each other even without words.

That day, that summer… we agreed with the condition. It was the price for our forbidden, impossible love. It was painful that we couldn’t express our love in front of the public, but it’s the only way we could stay together.

It’s a secret love… a silent love.


I sat on my assigned seat, my stylist did some little twists on the edges of my curled hair. I rolled my eyes because I hate it when she does that to my hair, but I didn’t say anything. At least, my fans thought that it looked nice.

I moved my thumb repeatedly on my cell phone, ignoring the noises around me.
I miss you. Where are you? -J-


“ Nah, it’s done “ The stylist looked proud of herself and did a final check before grabbing her equipments and leaving the set. I nodded and looked at my cell phone.


I’ll be there in a minute. Miss you too. Love you. -K-

I smiled.
I love you too. -J-

Morning, you flashed the greeting as I entered the set. As usual, it was formal and anonymous-you practically said that for everyone. I didn’t give any reply, nodded my head slowly; and you took your assigned seat-the seat which was located far from mine.

You stole a glance at me, and I put an awkward smile on my face. I pretend I didn’t care, and so did you. Another façade, another distant act. Sometimes I think that we are the best actors on earth.


“ Night, Akanishi “ You said when we met accidentally at the hallway, and I mumbled back, making sure the staffs heard our conversation. “ Night… Kamenashi “

Let’s go to the usual place first. We need to shop for dinner. -K-

The combini ? Okay. -J-

The lift opened and both of us stepped in; stole a single glance to each other. Our fingertips met each other’s and I stole a quick kiss on your lips before the metal doors opened once again, for the crew to join us. They smiled to us and we replied awkwardly, staying in silence as the lift brought us to the parking lot.

“ Which floor…? “ You asked.

I’ll cook a special dinner tonight. *winkwink* -K-

Are you in the menu too ? -J-

“ The lower ground “

Shut up you glutton. -K-

*pout* -J-

“ Me too.. “

Yes, I’m on the menu. I’m the appetizer, the main dish and the dessert. -K-

Yay!! -J-

Pervert. -K-

So are you. *winkwink* -J-

We stayed in that condition until the lift binged in its cheerful tone and the metal doors slid open, revealing the lower ground. We stepped out together from the lift, carefully keeping our distance before both of us rushed into my car.

“ It’s been a crazy day “ I chuckled.

“ It’s a routine. Both of us have to get used to it, silly “

As you said, it’s a routine. Instead of saying them face to face, we used text message and e-mails. We rarely even talked on the phone. We acted like two strangers forced to be together. We pretended that our relationship was cold and stagnant. It felt like shit. But it’s okay. It was hard, yes, but sometimes, somehow… love doesn’t always end like a fairytale.

I love you, I said voicelessly; our lips met once again in passionate kiss. You kissed me back; your fingers ran through my hair, your arms held me closer. I love you too, you whispered as you nibbled on my lips.

“ If you love me, drive “ You ordered me as our lips separated from each other. I pretend to pout and turned the machine on. “ It’s an unusual love “

“ Yes. It’s our unusual love. And both of us have agreed about this love before “

I nodded.

It’s an unusual love.
It’s a realistic love; a forbidden, impossible one.
It’s a secret love, a silent love.

It’s our love.


End Note : I still hate myself for this crappy one-shot. I got a writer’s block due the heat *It was damn hot here and my muses evaporated along the heat XDXD* but thanks God I still able to finish this story ^^ Thanks for those akame reports that told us that they were shopping together at the combini late at night. LOLZ.

one shot

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