one shot : …does love hurt ?

Apr 20, 2009 15:48

…does love hurt ?
Author : mizuno_hikaru
Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG15
Summary : It happened in their early years; Jin answered Kazuya’s question. Now after years, Jin asked Kazuya the same question.
Disclaimer : No, I has no relation to the Kitagawa clan. *sob*
A/N : an attempt for vignette fic. I took the definitions based on Microsoft Encarta Dictionary. The quotation about love credited to twentyeytako . Dear, your words are my inspirations ^^ And special thanks for my dear beta piperr0919 *hugs* luv you dear!! ♥♥♥ You are the best!!

-Jin’s POV-

It was another ordinary day in our early years when you suddenly sighed and leaned your head on my shoulder. It’s unusual for you to act so depressed like that, so I put my hand around your waist and asked you what happened.

Nothing, you said. Yet you let out another sigh from your mouth. I chuckled as you were a terrible liar. Yes, back then you were a skinny teenager with bushy eyebrows and messy hair, you were shy and cautious, and you always cling onto me till people recognized us as a packet. You always stayed by my side and vice versa, and I missed those moments so much.

I remembered that you stared at me with your puppy eyes and finally asked me; your voice was soft and hesitant : Ne, Jin… Does love hurt ?

I smiled, let you to hold my hands as I answered your question :

Relation is a noun; a connection between things: a meaningful connection or association between two or more things. It’s a plural noun, as it also means as contacts between groups or people.

From that word, comes another word. Relationship. It’s also a noun, which carries greater meanings. Relationship is a significant connection or similarity between two or more things, a state of being related to something else. Relationship is the connection between family, between friends, between the lovers-it’s a behaviour or feelings toward somebody else; the connection between two or more people or groups and their involvement with one another, especially with regards to the way they behave toward and feel about one another.

Both relation and relationship are complex words. From these words, we recognized another word, a word we called love.

And love is the most complex word humans had ever known. Love holds thousands of meanings. Some said that love is to feel tender affection for somebody-or maybe for something. Love is a desire; a desire for somebody, to feel romantic, and longing for somebody.

Love is passionate attraction, a strong affection, a strong liking, something eliciting enthusiasm. It’s an intense feeling of positive emotions, the pure enjoyment, the most primitive addiction that consumes our heart and devours our brain.

Everybody says love hurts but that’s not true.
Loneliness hurts, rejection hurts, losing someone hurts, envy hurts…
Everyone gets this things confused with love.

But in reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does NOT hurt.

Now you get it…?, I asked you, and you hushed me with a smile plastered on your lips. Shut up and kiss me already, you demanded. I smiled back and complied your order. Your wish is my command…, I whispered as I touched my lips onto yours.

It was years ago when you asked me that question. Both of us have grown into mature men, and we were no longer curious teen with careless attitude. I stole a glance at you; you sat there on the loveseat in the corner, your hands scribbled something on your notepad.

I took my cell phone.
Ne, Kazu… Does love hurt ? -J-

I saw you flipped your cell phone; a faint smile plastered on your face, your eyes were gentle. You stole a glance at me for a second, before you turned back to your work. My cell phone vibrated as I set it on silence mode.

No, love doesn’t hurt.
And it was true, love is the only thing in this world that does NOT hurt. You are the one who taught me about it. -K-

I closed my eyes, feeling the familiar sensation throb in my heart. So it was also true… that love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. And you are the one who show me about it.


one shot

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