
Apr 26, 2012 18:19

Now that I have learned to make e-books I want to do ALL the Old Races stuff RIGHT NOW and get them up for people to buy! NOW! NOW NOW NOW!

…except I haven’t edited “YoM”, I need cover art for it and ORIGINS, and I need to write one or two stories for AFTERMATH. Curses. :)

Been thinking and examining the whole self-pubbed e-book pricing and stuff. ( Read more... )

collections, collaboration, walker papers, e-books, negotiator trilogy, old races

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Comments 4

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mizkit April 27 2012, 12:00:28 UTC
$6, really! Lots of people seem to hit their balking point at $5. This is all very interesting.


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mizkit April 27 2012, 13:36:49 UTC
oh, see, that's a great point.


Pricing flexibility amberley April 27 2012, 05:17:17 UTC
Novella or short story collection 3.99, book 3.99, long book 4.99. Everything 99 cents on your birthday, or maybe J. Peterman's birthday.

Or maybe break long books in half! First half 1.99. Second half 7.99. Plus for an extra $2 Gary will make a cameo.

Some authors are doing short stories at 0.99 which is an easy impulse buy, but you only get 30% of that, as opposed to 70% of 1.99 or higher. Maybe bundle two short stories together for 1.99. Or just sell in collections of 5 or 10.


Re: Pricing flexibility mizkit April 27 2012, 11:59:05 UTC
I rather like the 99 cents on my birthday thing. :)

Actually the 70% doesn't kick in til $2.99, which is part of why it seems useless to me to set anything *below* that price...


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