Now that I have learned to make e-books I want to do ALL the Old Races stuff RIGHT NOW and get them up for people to buy! NOW! NOW NOW NOW!
…except I haven’t edited “YoM”, I need cover art for it and ORIGINS, and I need to write one or two stories for AFTERMATH. Curses. :)
Been thinking and examining the whole self-pubbed e-book pricing and stuff. In retrospect, it’s possible
Faith Hunter & I should’ve set “
Easy Pickings” at a $3.99 price point. Wondering whether wordcount or story type should dictate price for e-books. Collection of short stories, $2.99, 1 novella (same length or longer than short story collection) $3.99, book $4.99, long book $5.99-$7.99?
(I’m Miss Posty McPostsALot today, it seems. :))
(Now if this would just crosspost to LJ…)
(x-posted from
the essential kit)