
Jun 06, 2011 21:36

I can’t help it. I just think Green Lantern looks like a great big shiny CGI flop. Maybe I’m wrong-probably I’m wrong-but that’s what I see when I watch the trailers.

We went to Pirates and to X-Men this weekend. By half an hour in I already thought Pirates was too long. It had its moments of charm, of course, but it could easily have been 45 ( Read more... )

electricity, collaboration, picoreviews, x-men, movies

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Comments 9

tersa June 6 2011, 20:40:03 UTC
Besides, if you’ve seen it you already know the very best funny bit, and if you don’t know which bit I’m talking about our senses of humor are clearly very very different. :)

I don't know if this counts as a funny bit, but there's a scene involving Charles, Erik, and a cigar that had me LMAO and was, by far, my favorite funny moment.

Second was Mystique in a few years.

You remind me I should make my movie post. :)

(Hey, I can pull out the James Marsden you're a hottie icon!)


mizkit June 6 2011, 20:41:58 UTC
That would be the funniest bit, all right. :)

<3 hottie Cyclops!


tersa June 6 2011, 20:46:20 UTC
Oh good! I guess our senses of humor aren't that far off then. :)

I really enjoyed Charles's pick-up line and the cracks about losing his hair. And the chemistry between McAvoy and Fassbinder was terrific. They pretty much made the movie for me.


mizkit June 7 2011, 08:28:40 UTC
Charles's pickup line was hysterical, especially the second time around. :) Me, I'd have left the cracks about the hair to the "Don't touch my hair" bit, but they didn't ask me for some reason. :) And yeah, the relationship was *perfect*. They kinda broke my heart. Yay!


la_marquise_de_ June 7 2011, 10:07:14 UTC
I spent the quiet bits of Pirates listing in my head all the actresses who would have been convincing in the Penelope Cruz part. She was wooden. Top pick for her replacement was the wonderful Michelle Yeoh.


pgwfolc June 7 2011, 10:14:32 UTC
That was a good movie. And yes, that one bit (and no, I didn't have to ask which one) was definitely the gem of the whole thing ( ... )


Pirates (spoilerish) rasmusb June 10 2011, 21:34:48 UTC
As i must have missed something I'm hoping a wonderful author will have caught the plot drift.

Did the the holy guy die/drown or did the Mermaid do her thing & let him breathe? Or did they go all the way to door #3 and it was the dragged to the deeps to breed & die?

That plot tangent really bugged me at the end of the movie. I just go to the Pirates movies not expecting much -- just to watch Jack do his thing -- who needs a coherent plot & supporting actors? :D

As to X-Men -- as I'm not a comic follower -- so I really enjoyed it as I had no history to counter. Loved the cameos and the humor. Although I am also in the "wth" January Jones thing -- then again I didn't like her in MadMen either.


Re: Pirates (spoilerish) mizkit June 11 2011, 06:27:33 UTC
I *assume* she can do some magic thing to him to allow him to live under da sea, but in fact, it was never explained in the movie except her throwaway line something like "We don't necessarily drown them" along with her whole "But you're different" speech. So I dunno. :)


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