remaining thinks to do

Apr 22, 2010 10:42

I had an absolutely lovely, quiet day off yesterday, and am feeling roughly 23425098707 million times more relaxed than I was, say, 48 hours ago. I could use a full body massage, possibly one daily for a month or so, but that’s pretty typical for me. I’m so much more relaxed, though, that it would probably do some /good/, which I’m not sure it ( Read more... )

writing, inheritors cycle, proposals, thinks to do, short stories, walker papers, work, done done done!

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Comments 13

martyn44 April 22 2010, 10:08:42 UTC
Lie back, enjoy. You've worked hard for it.


irishkate April 22 2010, 10:41:36 UTC
I've forgotten what happens in 8 months time....


mizkit April 22 2010, 10:47:21 UTC
2010 ends and I have to go back to work and start writing RAVEN CALLS, book 7 of the Walker Papers. :)


irishkate April 22 2010, 11:03:49 UTC
Right - thought it was something like that but couldn't remember..

God luck with getting the draft handed in and getting to relax.. a little


suricattus April 22 2010, 10:52:34 UTC
Congrats! Sleep. Sleep is a good thing to stockpile...

(All I want is 1 month every 6, so I can remember how to breathe...)


mizkit April 23 2010, 09:25:05 UTC
I think this is in part an attempt to backlog 1 month in 6 for the past several years... :)


logrusboy April 22 2010, 15:41:30 UTC
Writers get breaks? Doesn't your muse bitch-slap you or something?


mizkit April 23 2010, 09:24:43 UTC
I'll let you know when she does. :)


gows April 22 2010, 16:15:46 UTC
Awww . . . no crying! (I know the feeling, though!)

If I were there, I would SO give you a massage. :)


mizkit April 23 2010, 09:23:50 UTC
Someday I will have enough money to FLY YOU OVER and we can gallavant around Ireland and you can give me massages until I am like unto butter. :)


gows May 2 2010, 16:18:27 UTC
Like unto butter indeed! :D


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